[center][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/cmx-images-prod/Series/194/0194._SX360_QL80_TTD_.jpg[/img] [/center] [hr] [right][b]FALLING TOWARDS THE PAVEMENT // NEW YORK CITY[/b] [sub][color=BLUE][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU0rowyzjCY]"Blue Beetle?"[/url][/color][/sub][/right] [hr] Jaime could barely think as he fell towards the ground with alarming speed. There was a little bit of screaming initially, this wasn't assisted by the fact that he quickly realised not only was he falling towards the ground but when the beetle's armour had receded it apparently took his clothes with it. So he was falling towards the ground, naked where he would make a really dignified looking corpse. He extended his arms and legs to make him as big as possible, from what he knew off physics that should at least slow him down a little bit. Then again there wasn't much hope of doing anything but minimising the blood splatter once he hit the ground. He was getting to the point where he was watching people, a couple looked up at him as he neared the pavement. Then he blacked out. [color=navy][b]Wake up Jaime Reyes[/b][/color] Jaime could feel every muscle, every tendon, every inch of his body. He was lying on his back, something soft. He heard a door open as he tried to open his eyes. It was just a bad dream, the beetle, the flying, the falling to his untimely death before he even had a chance to make real friends at his new school. All just a bad dream. [color=navy][b]Jaime Reyes there is a threat approaching[/b][/color] If it was all just a dream, why was there still a voice in his head? It sounded angry, to the point and spoke a language he didn't know but could understand. [color=navy][b]I am here Jaime Reyes and you must prepare for combat[/b][/color] Jaime forced his eyelids open. To find himself in an unfamiliar room, no wait. He did recognise it. It was different, reorganised somehow. This had been his room back in El Paso! [color=royalblue][i]"Ah, meirda."[/i][/color] He turned to jump out of bed when he was confronted with a stocky man, twice his size with a baseball bat. [b]"What the hell are you doing naked in my house?!" [/b] [color=navy][b]Threat level increasing[/b][/color] [color=royalblue]"What are you talking about?"[/color] Really Jaime wasn't sure who he was talking to, the voice in his head or the man in front of him, he rolled out of bed to the side farther away from the threat. [b]"This is my house kid, and I wake up to find you naked in one of the beds! Why I ought to call the cops![/b] [color=navy][b]I recommend disintegration to resolve threat level to an acceptable level[/b][/color] [color=royalblue]"No!"[/color] [b]"No Cops 'eh? Well maybe then I'll teach you a lesson the old fashioned way."[/b] The man charged, bat raised. Jaime tried to run back but found his back pressed against the wall with nowhere to go. He looked around in panic looking for anything that he could use to possibly defend himself, though came up short. Apparently, this room wasn't being used much these days other than for him to wake up in naked after he fell to his death. The man raised the bat into the air to swing it down, Jaime raised his arms in a cross to cover his head. [color=navy][b]Activating defensive countermeasures[/b][/color] Searing pain erupted all over his body as the chitin armour extended all over his body. Locking into place as it tore into his skin to take hold off his body. The bat struck but he barely felt it. [color=royalblue]"What the..."[/color] The bat snapped, the end that hit Jaime rolling away harmlessly after it clunked to the ground. The man simply stood there with a terrified look on his face. The next thing Jaime knew his arm was being forced in the direction of the man as his it reconfigured into some form of laser gun thing. [color=navy][b]Preparing to terminate hostile[/b][/color] [b]"No! I'm sorry, I didn't realise... you can stay here as long as you like..."[b] The man fell to his knees sobbing, arms raised as Jaime pushed himself to his feet, he could feel the energy building in his arm. [color=royalblue]"No! Scarab!"[/color] Energy continued to build in his arm, the room began to glow blue with the hum and crackle of energy in the rifle. He strained himself, using every ounce of willpower he didn't know he had, and just before the weapon discharged Jaime raised his arm to the roof. Blasting it open, it crumpled and buckled and fell back into the house as Jaime stood there, dust and small pieces of debris falling on him and the man. [color=royalblue]"[i]Dios Mio[/i], what was that all about?"[/color] [color=navy][b]He presented a threat I was ready to deal with the threat[/b][/color] [color=royalblue]"Can we fly?"[/color] [color=navy][b]Affirmative[/b][/color] [color=royalblue]"Then get me the hell out of here."[/color]