[right][b]UNKNOWN LOCATION // CORUSCANT // GALACTIC CENTRE[/b][/right] Palpatine walked past the tall warriors dressed in black. A sneer on his face. Anubis had already taken to increase his own power sevenfold since he had arrived. These new Kull-Troopers were stronger than Clone Troopers, more deadly, obedient. They could heal from their wounds, should they ever get wounded. The armour they wore was incredible, it absorbed energy attacks from blasters of varying sizes and strength. From his tests, there wasn't much that could destroy one of these Kull-Troopers other than a strike from a turbo laser. With these forces, Palpatine would be able to solidify his place as Emperor of the galaxy ahead of his planned schedule. The only minor obstacle was Anubis himself. The door opened into the ornate chambers that Anubis had designed for himself, he bowed his head slightly at Anubis as he entered. A sign of respect. "Tarkin reports that he will arrive at the Separatist holdout soon with three of our new ships. He doesn't expect they'll pose much of a problem given the specifications of the new Assimilators. That said I have still commissioned for the Imperial Star Destroyers I had designed to be built, albeit in much smaller numbers. With the technology you have provided they can be built much faster to increase the bulk of the Imperial Fleet, and we have found ways to incorporate some of your technology into the designs. They won't be nearly as powerful as the Assimilator but they'll still be a formidable vessel." Anubis walked away, his back turned to Palpatine as he worked on a terminal. Would now be a good time to strike? He already had the technological specifications he needed. He didn't need much more from Anubis to further his power. "What of your Apprentice?" "I have just dispatched Darth Vader to Mustafar to kill the remaining Separatist war leaders, then he will send the droid deactivation signal throughout the Galaxy. Any remaining Separatist holdout that uses droids for their armies will fall apart. Then it is a simple task of moving in and garrisoning the planet. With your improvements to the cloning process, Kamino should be outputting more Clone Troopers and Kull Troopers within the month. The Kaminoans have tried to resist, however, your last visit to them seems to have tempered them." "Good. Inform Tarkin that I want this vessel-" A hologram appeared of the Eggman's ship. "-captured intact. It is emitting a radiation signature I am rather curious about, and the droids it used seem far more advanced than anything this universe boasts. I wish to speak to its commander to determine how they came to this place. I have my theories, and if they are correct all that I have planned is at risk if we do not move swiftly." "All you have planned?" Anger welled in Palpatine. "You arrogant fool!" He raised his arms letting loose electricity as he let his anger go. "You would be nothing without me!" Anubis' robes burned, and the terminal crackled as the energy burst through it destroying it. Palpatine stopped in shock as the robes burnt away, leaving a strange dark cloud where Anubis had stood, it turned to him as the lights in the room darkened. "You are what I made you." Palpatine felt himself slam against the wall, but he hadn't sensed any use of the Force. "I could not do this in my reality, without fear of the [i]Others[/i] coming down on me, but they are not here." Palpatine was raised and flung against another wall. "I saved your life from the Jedi. Gave you power beyond what you could ever imagine, and you dare threaten me." Palpatine's entire body was engulfed in pain. Then it stopped. "You will bow before your God. Swear fealty before me, or be destroyed." Palpatine stood up, a defiant look of hatred in his eyes before he bowed. "I swear to you, my Lord." Looking up he had nothing but hatred in his eyes. "Now if you'll excuse me, I sensed a great disturbance in the void between stars near Kuat. I must dispatch a ship to find the source of the disturbance." "Do so, and Palpatine." Palpatine turned back to face Anubis. "Try and betray me again, and I will destroy you." [hr] While the remaining Separatist forces were already outnumbered by the Imperial Venators and their escorts. Four green windows opened in space, as four [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ab940dbf-6b1c-43d5-9e49-aa8736340b2d/d9bbg15-648b5314-e538-4069-9e44-b42e83f6375a.jpg/v1/fill/w_1210,h_660,q_70,strp/imperial_star_destroyer_by_adamkop_d9bbg15-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODczIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYWI5NDBkYmYtNmIxYy00M2Q1LTllNDktYWE4NzM2MzQwYjJkXC9kOWJiZzE1LTY0OGI1MzE0LWU1MzgtNDA2OS05ZTQ0LWI0MmU4M2Y2Mzc1YS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTYwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.nDRQYKP_pFVqbtLr34yAhvgHBgMq6urWAris6vDu6Lw]Large Ships[/url] dropped out of Hyperspace. On the bridge of one stood an ageing figure, recently promoted to Admiral. Willhulf Tarkin. Surrounding the planet, launching fighters. He stood watching as the Separatist ships tried desperately to create a formation that would give them the slightest chance of victory. "Attention [i]all[/i] vessels. This is Admiral Tarkin of the newly formed Galactic Empire. Stand down or be destroyed. To Princess Sonia Acorn. Your ship is also in violation of Imperial Space, and have previously instigated attacks against Imperial Forces. You are hereby ordered to power down your engines. The Emperor himself has questions for you and your vessel in where your vessel came from. You have my word you will not be harmed. Your technology intrigues us, and perhaps we can offer some form of arrangement. This is your one chance to negotiate with us peacefully, attack again or if you do not comply you will be deemed an enemy of the Empire, and dealt with as such."