[@Rune_Alchemist][@KingOfTheSkies][@Pyromania99] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XGPds7R.png[/img] [h1]Kotoki Tanaka[/h1] [/center] [i]So many "white hat" hackers here. How curious. I suppose she has no intention of recruiting the bad ones? Or is it just mere coincidence?[/i] Thus were her thoughts as one by one the others voiced their objections. Well, it wasn't like it was a bad thing. In fact, quite the opposite. She only did hacking in the name of justice after all, though that justice was obviously her own, and not of that of society. "You said that there was a chance of Thor doing something like that to me," she spoke, referring to her previous statement. "I certainly couldn't disagree that such a possibility existed. After all, you managed to track me down. How many others could do the same?" she said begrudgingly. "However, that would not be enough reason for me to preemptively attack somebody. I do know how they have been monopolizing all the top class hackers, which, certainly gave me enough reason to investigate them further. Thus..." She paused for dramatic effect. "I would join your little group, [b]if[/b] I would be allowed to use its resources and manpower to thoroughly investigate Thor's motives and goals. And if there weren't any shady things in the resulting report, well, I'll be leaving, naturally." After that, the woman proudly displayed her two Digimon. [i]Hmm, certainly quite high-level ones. Far more powerful than my own, in fact...[/i] [i]Hmph, if only they would grow stronger quicker...[/i] she lamented. She chuckled a bit at the shade Ruruka was throwing at Harumi. "I surely hope you're not suggesting of stealing money through hacking, do you, Kozuki-san? I wouldn't be able to work with you if that were true, for you see, I despise scums like that." Her intonation was half-threatening, as if she was poking the hornet's nest, so to speak.