[color=aba000]~ZYRICK~[/color] Zyrick holds on to a shotgun shell, between his fingers the small cartridge turns and flips around while being inspected. Zyrick takes his left hand and gently flicks the shell whilst holding it with his right. The sound that follows gives Zyrick some needed information about it, this was always the hardest part about his ability. Zyrick was paying to much attention to the shell in his hand, stumbling and swerving a bit while he walks through the badlands. Coming up on a forested area the vines and roots on the ground have become something of a nuisance, pulling and grabbing at Zyrick's unprepared feet. "I mean, I could try. It's more complex than it looks but all I need is a basic understanding." Zyrick holds the shell in his right palm and outstretches the left. He usually does this in his head but for the sake of showing off his ability he speaks out loud, "The case, brass plated covering, layered paper shell, primer, black powder, powder wad, cushion, shot cup, lead shots." A few more words trickled out of his mouth before coming to an end. after a short delay, a replica of the shell appeared in his left hand seemingly out of thin air. A smile crept across his stoic face, breathing a bit of life into his appearance. He duplicated it a few more times, repeating the process with the shotgun slug as well, handing-off a small handful of ammunition to Aden. Zyrick kept it under wraps but duplicating something so complex that many times was slowly starting to exhaust him. He could make a quick recovery so long as he keeps his breathing in check and stop duplicating for a few minutes. Zyrick wouldn't be opposed to duplicating shells and slugs for Aden before a night's sleep, this would probably make his sleep better in fact. But for now he needed to be alert, in case anything was to happen to the group. The roots beneath his feet start to grow larger as they walk closer to the forest, it would be wise to pay attention to their footing. Unlike the mostly clear view they've had up until now, the trees leave many blind spots, leaving them open for an attack from something. They were starting to make quite the distance between them and Honorfire, so the possibility of a demon attack was rising. Without unsheathing his equipment Zyrick rested his hand on the axe at his side. [I] It's only a matter of time...[/I]