[b]Bulls' Masts[/b] Arafael flinched instinctively following the attack from the Dragon Bakuto. So much for him trying to slip away from that table unnoticed. Just before he could open his mouth, he felt a slam on his head, then blackening out at the scene of the bar. Alesia lightened on her own weight after that scuffle with her pet wolf, and stood up from that mahogany table. From the way it looked, it was a good thing that Arafael is still in his wolf form. Capturing a wolf would be less suspicious than kidnapping a human. Tying that wolf of his small size with that layered coat was an easier task also. The bartender accepted the half of Bakuto’s treasure, not hiding a frown of his bushy eyebrows, [color=f7976a]“Quite a generous amount to recompense, but its still a hassle to do the repairs. I’ll keep my mouth shut as long as I need to, but I’ll politely ask you pirates to scram.”[/color] Alesia pushed open the swinging doors of the bulls’ mast, [color=ed1c24]“ “I’ll get some equipments for the ship, the White Pearl will be setting sail by the evening.” [/color] [hr] [color=fff79a][b]Evening at Loguetown Harbour, White Pearl[/b][/color] Alesia walked up the gangplank, placing down a crate of goods along the creaky ship decks. Inside it contained Log Poses. It was the right thing that Alesia bought. Just a Hundred of Those, along with Navigation tools like telescopes and rolls upon rolls of parchments and. [color=ed1c24]“There was a sale… They might be useful someday…”[/color] Alesia stated, glaring towards the other side of the port. She was not going to say that she got duped into a sale by a very convincing and persistent merchant. And that was how she spent all her Ten Million cut of the plunder. [color=ed1c24]“So how goes Scruffy, or Arafael, so as he calls?”[/color] She expected to see him tied to the masts or the railings.