Manaka smiled as everyone agreed to join her in her self-righteous crusade against Thor. Well, for now at least. Half of them were goody-goody two shoes as she had expected. Really, virtual space was at stake and they were worried about inconsequential things like "Morals" or "ethics". Well, whatever worked for now. She looked at everyone, thinking about how to keep them with her. Ruruka would be the easiest. A bored rich girl? Never been easier to keep interested considering all the interesting plans she had. Reiko seemed similarly easy so long as their goals of freedom remained. Though her threats of quitting if it got dangerous were concerning. Issei was a crap-shoot to say the least. So far he seemed to be in so long as it didn't seem too... Fishy. Shion seemed up to it as long as it served her sense of justice. Strength also helped some. Harumi seemed easy enough to get a handle on. Let her make some money and she'd be happy. Nothing makes you want to help more than survival apparently. Kotoki was the most likely of them all to be an issue. Unlike Reiko, Issei and Shion she wouldn't be the type to quit if Manaka did something wrong. She'd likely go full power to shut her down. Little girls like her were no problem of course, but that could serve certain complications. Well, regardless, "I'm glad to have you all on board with me. I'm sad little Ruruka beat me to inviting Harumi to come live with me. We could have so much fun bathing and watching scary movies an--" Before she could continue, Raguelmon poked her in the back of the head. "You're saying way too much, Boss." The giant cat humanoid digimon said with an embarrassed look on it's face if anyone could actually tell. "I think you should just stop before you say something wrong." Manaka glared at the Digimon who reciprocated it. There was a small stand off until Manaka blinked, winning the match for the Digimon. "GAH! Fine." The human whined before turning to her new team again. "Anyhow, as long as you work with me, I can make sure your account is secure and no one will get into it." She seemed to be thinking. She then smiled and brought up not just one but two terminals. A feat of sorts. While it wasn't impossible, it was quite impressive to bring up to and seem to use both without problem. "Well them everyone, the day is still young. How about we see your Digimon in action? I have JUST so happened to a perfect training ground for you all." The woman said as she did a couple of last taps on one of the terminals. On the party's UI they'd notice a display message. [b]You have joined the group chat, Manaka's Daring Six.[/b] "Yay~ Now we can all keep in touch if we want. Just don't clog it up with chatter too much. We don't want it too difficult for me to give you information." When she was done with that, she went to the other terminal and seemed to be closing in with that. "Alright gang, this is a test of your skills. One warning. You WON'T be able to win against the Mega-level threat so find another way around it. Good luck!" With that, the floor disappeared below everyone as the fell into something. Anyone that knew anything about EDEN would know what that was. A Direct Link, but where to? It was a falling start as everyone landed in a pile. "Sorry about that. I've been working on this for a while and that was the only way I could get you in without alarms." As group got their bearings, they'd notice something was a bit amiss. There was only two others with them! Well, two humans and their digimon if they were out originally. [hr] Shion would find herself sitting on Kotoki and Issei under her. The area they were in was fairly bland save for some weird posters on a wall, old promotional ads for Yuzurin before she formed KuroYuri. She was about fourteen in this promo. Another featured a singer in some KISS type make-up. Along with those were some other bands that have gone defunct. The weird thing was that the pictures had a X through their picture, all except the last one which was the current KuroYuri. The man in the kiss make-up, if anyone had knowledge on pop figures, was fairly popular for a couple of months until it was revealed that he was a total creep. All of these other bands and groups seemed to have for some reason or another fallen out of grace for some reason or another. Beyond that, there was a door that led out to what looked like a kitchen of sorts on one side. Which was weird considering there was no need to eat in EDEN, at least for humans. Oddly, there were a couple of trees in the corner of the room with... Meat hanging from them. Some thing that tended to appear on Digifarms. This certainly was not a Digifarm though. The other side seemed to be a monitoring station of sorts. There were a lot of monitors but none seemed to be powered up with no obvious way to turn them on. Beyond those two parts of the room, there were two doors that seemed like they would lead out to somewhere else in whatever this place was. Whatever the case, there didn't seem to be any immediate danger to the group. [hr] In another room, Ruruka found herself on the ground laying across Harumi and Reiko's bellies. They seemed to be... In a prop closet of sorts? There were instruments and other things of the sort all around them. "Oh my, I'm sorry... I might have gotten you guys a bit too close to somewhere you shouldn't be. Please be careful you three~" Manaka said, not sounding too concerned. If they listened, they'd hear cheering. "-ren. S-. -iren." What they could hear even more was the heavy metal noises of an electric guitar and what could only be described as guttural screaming. If they looked outside the door, they'd notice that they are in the back of some giant stage. Up front was an odd sight. An Etemon playing Guitar and a Sukamon on drums. On stage was a girl in a very exaggerated Punk Rock outfit. The source of the screaming was her. The cheer was for her it seemed. "Siren." [hider=Siren][img][/img][/hider] "Force out the illusionary sound!" She sang as the Digimon played their instruments. It was pretty loud overall. "Sail the ship to the shores! Crash! Crunch! IT IS NO MORE!" One thing was sure... They should not get caught here! There seemed to be some hoodies with an emblem for "Muse" on it. And a door that was on the opposite side of the stage from them. Luckily, there were curtains that could obscure them to the other side from the audience.