"[color=00a651]Also, we are not exactly equipped for subtle, undercover activities ma'am. I pray you have a plan to address that, or the sight of a Sister of Battle, mercenary, the tallest psyker in the sector, and the shortest krieger in the sector is going to rumble things rather quickly.[/color]" "[color=8882be]I'm not _that_ tall.[/color]" Adrianne interjected, peering over to look past her ornately decorated shoulderpad and down at the krieger. The krieger was indeed very short, now that she thought about it. "[color=8882be]That being said,[/color]" Adrianne would continue however, shifting her violet eyes towards their superior. "[color=8882be]He does raise a mostly valid point, especially if we are going to do most of the legwork as well. Not that some renown isn't something we can use...[/color] " Adrianne paused for a moment, as if thinking for a moment, running a pair of gauntleted fingers up to her chin while she tilted her head slightly; her long ponytail bobbing behind her head. "[color=8882be]I agree on his suggestion about securing whoever is responsible for the planetary security first. Once we know we have their backing, it should be easier for us to go about our business. Not to mention they may have information for us.[/color]" Adrianne said, not hiding some growing enthusiasm. "[color=8882be]Once we have done that, I would recommend we go to whatever place; preferably high profile; where we suspect the corruption to be the most present, and investigate. If the stench of chaos exists there, I can find it, and likely track it down to whatever the source is. If worst comes to worst, we will at least take down some heretics and get some prisoners for questioning in the process.[/color]" Adrianne nodded, feeling confident about her plan. Sure it was simple, but that made it easy to follow; and they could deal with the details whenever they arose. Not to mention she had a feeling the group in question would be better suited for whatever direct approach they could find. Plus, kicking down doors and apprehending the lesser minions of chaos might be a great warm up and ice breaker exercise for their new group!