( I'm not trying to upset anyone. What I wrote is the truth. If anything I'm the friend. Not my fault society believe lies. I'm here to help) Maiden sigh. " The glare again. Over the truth why? Until what I said is fixed with the world your lands and people in all time periods will never heal problems solved. Christopher started to understand everything after he dismissed the world's indoctrinations then did his own work. As of why you frown and snarl at us your true friends not they, is beyond us understanding. I came to heal you. But it's clear you won't realize your life was a lie until after 45, joining the rest of the other single cat ladies in the billions out there. Between you and I, bet you 100% with our beliefs, a rich man would wife me up over you any day honestly. Why? My standards my values are far superior than yours honestly. You don't up your game so you lose.", Maiden said