Finally untangled from the mess thanks to Athena's angry shout, Dahlia's body was crushed no more. With a great big stretch, she realigned her spine to a survivable state. Though, that was only metaphorically. Her spine was fine, in reality. If a mere dogpile could break it, she had no claim to be an adventurer (not that she could just yet, anyways). Despite just being crushed by no less than 8 people, she was still as chipper as she'd always been. After all, the clothes she wore acted as a barrier against the outside filth and rabble. Though, she'd burn the clothes later. They were much too soiled for any method of washing to clean. After the goddess introduced her two children (if you could call the old man that?), Dahlia had decided that it was only polite to greet them too. [b]"Hello Grentiloch,"[/b] she said before turning to the pallum, [b]"hello Tira."[/b] Then the foxgirl introduced herself to Athena, ignoring the rest of them. Weird, but okay. Dahlia's hearing was decent and she could listen in on the introduction. Once it was finished, she turned to the foxgirl, gave a nice bow, and gave a polite [b]"Hello Ayame!"[/b] Then the other pallum, one that boldly stood in front of the goddess in order to get her attention, introduced himself. Of course, Dahlia popped out of the woodwork to greet him with a nice [b]"Hello Triss!"[/b] Now she was just waiting to be dragged along to the next area to actually see the process of acquiring a falna with her own eyes. After all, if Athena kept on introducing more people, then Dahlia would have to stop and say hello to every single one on the way. It was a good thing all of the mook adventurers left. If they hadn't, then Dahlia would have had to spend a solid hour in a meet and greet.