[b][center][h2]Joel Nicolosi[/h2][/center][/b] Joel flicked his thumb repeatedly back and forth over the rear edge of the [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4689246]GTR[/url]’s spoiler, feeling the sharpness of the carbon fiber profile under his skin. Like most of his and Tommy’s conversations, it was rarely on topic and ranged from the completely obscure to making fun of [i]Footsteps[/i] various competitors to which actors were better in which roles, various points of Sol City nostalgia, women, and anything else that they considered worthy of thought. They’d been at it long enough that Joel could see his breath in the late night air as he let out a healthy yawn. “[color=39b54a]Time for bed, old man.[/color]” Tommy chided. “Shit, I’m tired.” Joel said and rubbed a hand over his face. “Was on the mountain all day.” “[color=39b54a]Gettin’ ready for the next round, right?[/color]” Tommy said. “[color=39b54a]Wasn’t it Argentina?[/color]” “Yeah, but we weren’t running that car.” Joel replied. He glanced southward towards the Luna Sports Stadium. The lights were still on, but the baseball game had long since ended. When they had first come outside in the slightly elevated back lot behind Footsteps, the occasional cheers could be heard coming from the crowd along with muffled announcements from the PA system off in the distance. The sound carried well in the cooling evening, though the city could be remarkably peaceful once night firmly settled in. “We have another one they’re gonna debut at the Park Festival, Saturday,” Joel snorted a little bit and shrugged. “It’s supposed to be a big secret.” Being an only child, Tommy was the closest thing Joel ever had to a brother and there was scant little unsaid between them. If Joel had the codes to launch a nuclear missile, he would tell them to Tommy and vice-versa. It was just principle. Implying that there was a secret about [i]anything[/i], meant that whatever information was supposed to be withheld was quickly forthcoming. Tommy crossed his arms and smirked, leaning against the back of his Cadillac. “[color=39b54a]Oh yeah?[/color]” “It’s a 997 Porsche.” Joel said with some amusement. “Seriously one of the best cars I’ve ever driven, thing runs like the wind and screams like a banshee.” He continued. “We’re gonna enter it in the Vineyard Rally coming up, it’s [i]bright orange[/i].” “[i][color=39b54a]Orange?[/color][/i]” “Yeah, they’re rolling out a new drink too... orange flavored, naturally. I think that’s the big secret more than the car.” Joel said. “[color=39b54a]Does it taste good?[/color]” Tommy scratched at his stubble mildly inquisitive. He wasn’t a huge fan of energy drinks in general, but a couple of Rebellion flavors made for decent pre-workout options in a pinch. “Tastes like orange soda with a shitload of caffeine.” Joel said with a chuckle. “I like it, I think it’s geared more towards a fitness crowd since it’s sugar free, but with all that caffeine, they know good and well that people are just gonna buy it for the rush.” He shrugged. “Then there’s the whole ‘city colors’ thing, the image, and it’s a big to-do...I just like driving the car.” “[color=39b54a]Sounds about right,[/color]” Tommy said with a nod. “[color=39b54a]You know, speaking of the Festival, I was thinking about doing that meal competition this time. Couple of our guys are pretty talented, might be worth a shot. I think the entry deadline has passed though, maybe not-[/color]” “You don’t wanna do that.” Joel said flatly cutting him off. “[color=39b54a]Why’s that?[/color]” “Well, that’s supposed to be a big secret too, but they’ve got some celebrity German chef that the city forked over a shit-ton of money to book as a judge. Bunch of the engineers working on the car know who he is, apparently he’s a big hit over in Europe and a total asshole.” Joel squinted a little and looked away towards the glowing cityscape trying to jog his memory momentarily. “Bruno… Bruno something or other. I can’t remember, but they call him ‘the [i]Panzer[/i]’ or something like that. He has a reality show over there where he just rips people a new one over how bad their food is and they just love watching him cuss people out on TV.” Tommy laughed, “[color=39b54a]Somehow with our mayor, that does not surprise me, so scratch that plan, thanks for the warning.[/color]” He shifted his wrist causing his watch to display the time, a little surprised at how long they had been talking. It was definitely getting colder and the restaurant would be locking up soon. “[color=39b54a]Hey, what was that business in the paper the other day about giving the Isle of Man record a shot? Max really going to put up the money for that? I haven’t talked to him since the race.[/color]” He was a little surprised that Joel had kept in touch with the old man. “Oh yeah, I’m gonna do it.” Joel said with a smirk that quickly morphed into a contemplative grin. “He’s gonna put up the money and the car, wants to bring the record back to England. Subaru holds it right now for production cars.” He had never been to England, let alone the Isle of Man, but he had no doubt that with the right setup he could get it done. He knew he only needed to match the Subaru through the corners, the wide open sections were where an Aston or a McLaren could stretch out on speed, is where he’d make the difference. “I’m gonna need a crew to get everything together, you know you want in.” Tommy thought about it momentarily and reminisced. “[color=39b54a]You know I played over there a couple times, in Wembley, lost both times too.[/color]” He laughed. “[color=39b54a]I might be bad luck! But yeah, you know I’m in. Where are you getting the car?[/color]” “He’s flying it over here,” Joel said. “I’m not even sure what it’s going to be. I made a couple suggestions. You know how he is.” “[color=39b54a]Yeah, I bet Marlin’s gonna love that.[/color]” Tommy said with a sly smirk. “Shit,” Joel huffed. “Just because I race the car, doesn’t mean I have to put up with the granddaughter, business is business.” “[color=39b54a]Ha![/color]” Tommy guffawed. “[color=39b54a][i]'Business is business[/i]’”. Listen to you.[/color]” He said. “[color=39b54a]She was ready to lay it on you at that party.[/color]” “Fucking dodged a bullet there.” Joel said flatly.