There was a flurry of questions shooting across the room, as people talked to, and fro. When the data was shared among each other his omni-tool made short work of processing it all into a translatable format. Thank the brass for the omni-tool, of course it would be slow going for the science officers, and himself to sift through it to learn anything but that left them plenty of reading time while they floated through space accomplishing things. As the commander spoke about the empire, Travis leaned in, and listened intently. He didn't expect Sarah Wilkes behind him to speak. "When the reapers invaded Earth in our universe, they assimilated what fell to them into their ranks, the only way to feel like we made a dent against them was to strike quickly, then disappear. You say this rebel alliance started a chain of events in your universe? How about we find those rebel leaders in this universe, if they are still alive, and try to reform it. Maybe whatever brought us here, brought us here for that purpose. After all sitting here, and thinking has anyone made the connection that we're all warships? Not a civilian freighter, or science ship among us. So I propose we get what intel we can, infiltrate where we can, and kick off this powder keg. After all isn't that what warriors do best, start shit?" She finished her little speech, by stepping further forward fully standing beside her commander now.