[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/jqElIwt.png[/img][/center] Shaking his head, Shade gently hugged his legs before resting his chin against a pair of kneecaps. This was his first time hunting rats, and the archer at their side likely knew far more of the enemy they were facing. She was well versed in the manner of beasts, where Shade’s main focus lingered on the nature of man. Sentient creatures were his forté, those of a higher intellect. Indeed, vermin had an advantage over the boy. They could not be tricked in the same way, and their deduction of a situation was unpredictable for an assassin such as himself. “I’ve never seen a nest before now,” Shade explained, his pointed ears listening to the war playing out only a few feet from where they were. “I guess burning them would be the best course of action, but, well..,” the Dark Elf sighed. Perhaps one could cause a fire without convenient equipment? “We could always rub two rocks together,” came a soft chuckle, an attempt at humor in a desperate situation. “I think I saw one of the nests when I went looking, the other two will need more searching.” The group had found themselves in a big sewer system. The few minutes Shade spent on scouting was not nearly enough to evaluate the entire underground. However, he might have come across one nest, but was not entirely certain of what he had seen. Shade did, after all, not know what a nest looked like. “I’m ready to go, when you two feel rested enough,” the boy added, gently releasing his legs from an embrace. He slowly moved towards the edge, and proceeded to squint at the beasts still at war with one another. “They’re almost done, we could use this chance to sneak by, while they’re still occupied.”