Faolan growled as a response to Lucien's chipper exclamation, as was his usual response. He was sitting on his cot, bag packed next to him, bouncing his leg in impatience. He could not wait to get out of the cabin and off of this ship. He was thankful that the voyage had been no longer than two weeks, the full moon would be upon them within another fortnight, and it was best that he was in a big open space for when that happened. It was not his company that drove him to seek freedom, but the travel itself. Faolan had never liked being in enclosed spaces for too long, and was on deck as often as he could have been throughout the voyage. If he wasn't taking in the sea air, he was training in their cabin. He had done about three-thousand push-ups before he lost count. Lucien turned out to be quite pleasant. The two had had many exchanges during their two weeks at sea, most of which consisted of Lucien's statements and questions and Faolan's grunts and three-word responses. It ended up working out, overall. Faolan at first worried that he may become annoyed by the Frenchman, but by the time they arrived in New Orleans, he found that he actually enjoyed the young man's presence. Still, he was eager to see land. At Lucien's next question, Faolan's leg ceased it's thumping for a moment as he looked out of the porthole at the port. He couldn't see much but roofs and smoke, but that was enough. [color=a36209]"Nothin' solid. Look for work in town, make some money...move on."[/color] He shrugged. It wasn't a hard answer, it was essentially the same thing he had done the last handful of times he had uprooted himself. No use staying in one place for too long, it was dangerous for him. He preferred to leave within the month, but with the state of his purse, he supposed he would have to stay in New Orleans for a little longer than that.