Lucien attempted to hide his relief at his response. Of course he figured the man would leave but, if he was planning to find work in town then that would mean he'd be sticking around for a little while longer. He couldn't deny he was a little envious of the travelling the man would be doing. Honestly he wasn't even sure what was waiting for him here, aside from the fact there would be a priest here to receive him. [color=burlywood]"I see.."[/color] He said, his gaze not leaving the sight of the port that was now well within their reach. The boat harshly swayed as the ship finally docked. He could hear the movement and noise of the people who were now beginning to leave their small rooms to finally leave the ship, and Faolan had wasted no time in doing the same. The nephilim quickly followed, his eyes sparkled with excitement as they disembarked. He was setting foot in a completely different land, a completely different place than he was used to. It felt much crowded with everyone getting off all at once then when he had first gotten on that ship. It was only now that it all suddenly felt very real to him. He instinctively grabbed on to Faolan's sleeve, not wanting to get lost in the crowd of people that had wanted to get off just as quickly as they had. It was when the crowd had finally began to disperse a little that he heard his name being called out. [b]"Lucien!"[/b] He turned to the sound of the voice, spotting a middle-aged man rushing up in their direction. He seemed to slow after giving Faolan a glance, but he then turned his attention back on the nephilim. [b]"You.. [i]are[/i] Lucien yes? I am Father Cyril."[/b] As he spoke, he shot Faolan another slightly nervous glance. Lucien was quick to speak up. [color=burlywood]"Ah, yes, I am. Pleased to meet you Father Cyril.. This is my friend Faolan. He.. helped me out a lot back on the ship, I owe him a lot."[/color] He told him, not wanting the priest to be too wary of him. [b]"O-Oh.. I see, well then you have our gratitude for giving Lucien your aid. I'm sure his guardians will be relieved to know he arrived safely."[/b]