Roxy lead Stewart to the bathroom. It was the only place they could go to talk alone. She had known her father would find out about Devika. She had expected him to send someone to check on the situation but she had been hoping it would have been someone else. She knew why he had sent Stewart though. The older man knew just how far he could push without getting into trouble with the boss. He crowded towards her. Anger and disgust flashed through her before she buried her emotions. She trembled when he put his hand on her arms. [color=blue]"Get your hands off me." [/color]Roxy growled as she pulled away. Stewart chuckled and stepped back. He knew she couldn't lash out. Not without endangering Devika. [color=yellow]"Your father sent me to tell that he expects you to bring the empath to meet him."[/color] [color=blue]"Tell him they have invented this thing called a phone. He should try using it."[/color] Roxy snapped trying to push back but she knew there was only so much she could do without jeopardize Devika. "She needs some time." She told the older man. There was no one the empath could deal with her father. [color=blue]"Especially if he wants to use her. I'll bring her when we're a little more connected. Right now she can't handle it."[/color] [color=yellow]"Make sure it doesn't take too long."[/color] Stewart said as he opened the door. As if she had some control of how long it took to make sure the bubble protecting Devika was strong enough to keep out all emotions except the ones she wanted to to access. Roxy followed him. She tried to keep her emotions in check as she walked him back to the door.