[hr][hr] [center][color=RosyBrown][h1]Zoe Flores[/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/y1p4GcK.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Rivera Family Home (West Vancouver; Canada). [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] No One.[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] The sound of silence... it was golden. The only thing that was disturbing the peace was the gentle breathing of the eight year old child that was now in her bed; and she'd been there long enough to know that the girl wasn't about to wake from her slumber anytime soon. At least, not unless the urge to draw something new struck her. Then it just couldn't be helped. The very thought of what the little girl went through every time she saw the future; it broke her heart... Maybe she was just getting soft... Maybe the girl was getting to her- finally worming her way into her heart. She wasn't sure it would be a bad thing if that happened. Not wanting to wake the child, the small and quite colorful - thanks to all the painting - figure that was the bunny known only as Athena slid itself out from under the little girls arm. It's whole body trembling a moment; shaking off any loose fur that was still latching onto the rest before she was once again on the move. The drop from the bed to the floor was nothing she hadn't done before. It had been a few weeks; plenty of time to get used to the routine. Hopping further out, putting space between herself and the bed, the normally white rabbit began to grow. The fur disappearing from sight. Leaving behind nothing more than the beautiful and extremely exposed - and colorfully painted - woman standing in its wake. Her arms lifting up, body tilting lightly from side to side in an attempt to stretch herself out as her dark gaze turned around. Landing on the figure of the young child sleeping calmly within the bed. How long had it been since she had such a luxury of being able to stretch her legs..? The luxury of sleeping, wrapped up in the comfort of a doona, rather than curled up in the hay that lined the inside of the hutch, or the girls arms whenever she could get away with it..? She knew the answer, and it was too long. Stretching a spell longer, Zoe let her arms drop back down by her sides. Her hips swinging almost rhythmically from side to side with each step that she took out of the girls room. Wandering down the hall and towards the kitchen of the otherwise empty house. Aira's parents were gone. Again. She couldn't deny that it pissed her off to no avail. What kind of parents just left their eight year-old to fend for themselves while they jet-set around the world..? Her jaw clenched for a few moments before it relaxed with a sigh. It was nothing new... she just had to keep doing what she was doing. Reaching out to pull open the fridge, the light from within shone over her and she glanced down at herself. She was going to need a shower... but it was going to have to wait. Hand first going to her stomach as it growled, Zoe reached into the fridge. Gathering up whatever there was that she wasn't going to use for the girls meals the next day, she turned her back to the fridge. Nudging the door closed with her hip, she brought it all back to the bench. Reaching out to take up an apple from the fruit bowl, Zoe took a bite. Munching away as she set to work making herself a late dinner.