No more invaders for now. Humies gettin' ripped to shreds had put off any other flanks for the moment, so far as Snekart could see - at least, none that Da Shiv wasn't able to get the brunt of. Snakey git deserved it, naturally. Anyway, Snekart found himself back in the area they were stuck in, putting the 'eavy bolta on his back for the moment as he crawled back to da boss. "Crawled", but more like a fast scramble between bits of cover, because otherwise he'd be seen, and being seen was bad for not being shot. To not be shot, you had to not be seen, obviously. Kargut hadn't figured that out yet, but even if he had, his stupid giant armour made it real difficult for him anyway. 'Psst. Boss.' Snekart was real quiet-like, which was still pretty loud, but quiet for an Ork. 'Wot's da plan, an' 'ow do I... er, wot do I do innit?' Turns of phrase weren't his strong point, but they weren't really any other Ork's strong point either, so that worked out fine for him. And of course, Gutsnaga did understand at least the basic bits of how to fight with kunnin' instead of just brutality, so best to make sure things were working the way he wanted them to. If they were working how Gutsnaga wanted, they were probably working how Snekart wanted too, obviously. That was why he'd signed up with Da Mad Boss to begin with, obviously.