[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjQ2NzMxYy5SV3h6WldFLC4w/roycroft-initials.regular.png[/img] [color=1a7b30]Time:[/color] Dawn [color=1a7b30]Location:[/color] Heart of the forest [color=1a7b30]Interaction:[/color][@Dezuel]-Elthrael [@Jamesyco]-Jean-Luc [/center] [hr] Elsea listened as Elthrael explained that he thought the other group had made it out alright. She was glad that he had felt that way, but also hoped that he was right. If they were to defeat this tyrant king then they were going to need all the allies they could get. She wasn’t a fighter by any means, but she was willing to learn what she could. She knew, however, that her biggest asset would be to learn how to control her magic. That was going to be her best way of fighting. She continued to listen, focusing most of her attention on him though she would occasionally sneak a look down to the forest floor. She was still getting used to being so high up and she felt butterflies in her stomach every time she would look down. They were slowly starting to dissipate each time she stole a glance down, however, and soon she knew she could maybe help scan the forest floor for the other group. He began explaining how he had once lived in the River Kingdom and why he no longer lived there. Her heart felt a twinge of pain as at the mention of how the other inhabitants of where they were going had wished for his parents to cast him aside because of his appearance. How cruel someone must be to suggest a parent do such a thing to their child. She found herself silently beginning to judge this River Kingdom and the people who lived there. At the mention of his parents deaths her heart seemed to break even more. Elthrael truly hadn’t had an easy life and had been wronged by so many. She was impressed that he didn’t seek vengeance on the ones who’d wronged him as she certainly would have. In fact she did seek vengeance on the ones who tried to burn her at the stake. She had spit foul curses at them before she had been sucked into this world, hoping that someone would cause Scotland to fall. She hoped that something terrible happened to all of them. When he fell silent for a few moments she found herself moving just a bit so she could kiss him on his cheek. [color=1a7b30]”It sounds like you have been through Hell and back all for how you look. People may fear you for your appearance, but I don’t.”[/color] She told him as she gave him a kind smile. Elthrael’s words helped put her a bit more at ease, helping her trust him on the fact that he wasn’t going to hand her over to Aklenroth. The skeleton man had made pretty promises, but there was something about it that she didn’t trust. That and she really didn’t want to be sent back home as she would just be put back in a situation where death was waiting for her. At least here she had some freedom. She listened closely to the rest of his words, at how Avalia was in desperate need of a new ruler, how she and the others of her kind held magic unlike anything else in this world, how everyone was going to need to eventually make a choice. It was a lot to take in, but she he spoke true, especially the part about her magic. She could see the part of the forest ahead of them that had been damaged by her fire. She needed to be able to control her magic otherwise it could destroy hers and other innocent people. [color=1a7b30]”I still don’t understand exactly how I got here and I recognize that being here is dangerous for me, however, I don’t wish to go back to where I came from. Yes there is a possibility that I may die here, but if I were to go back death would be a certainty. So I think I wish to stay here in Avalia, to possibly make this my new home as it seems the better choice right now. So I will fight to protect this place, I will learn how to wield my magic so that I can help you. We’ll make Avalia the best place it could ever be, I promise you that.”[/color] She told him, giving him a smile back as she felt herself forming a bond with him. It was small right now, but she knew given time it would grow. She would stick by his side and help his cause. After a few moments her attention was drawn by something else, something in the air. Some sort of magical structure flying towards their destination and she got a bad feeling about it. [color=1a7b30]”Elthrael, what is that?”[/color] She asked, fear obvious in her voice as she pointed at the Amora. [color=1a7b30]”Something isn’t right about that thing, there’s something...dark about it. I think we should land, I don’t think we should get closer to that thing.”[/color] She told him, almost sounding desperate to land. It almost felt like they were being watched by someone. Her eyes began scanning the forest floor quickly when she spotted something. She almost hadn’t noticed it as it was quite hidden, but at a second investigating glance it looked almost like a hut. [Color=1a7b30]"There, look! Doesn't that look like a nice place to land?"[/color] She suggested as she pointed at the hut, trying to convince him to land. There was also the slight glimmer of something and she looked to it. It appeared to be a person, but they were still too high up to make out enough details. She didn't know if they would be friend or foe, but she felt better about landing there than continuing towards that thing. [hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmM1NjIzNC5RWHB5YVdWcy4xAAAA/victoriantext.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=a0410d]Time:[/color] Dawn [color=a0410d]Location:[/color] River Fairy Kingdom [color=a0410d]Interactions:[/color][@FunnyGuy]-Umber [@Eviledd1984]-O’Ner [@Legion02]-Xenelith [hr] For the remainder of the ride Azriel stood staring out the window, watching things pass by underneath them. She remained quiet as well, funding no need to speak as she just hoped the ride would be over soon. She wanted out of the contraption despite the fact that the flight went smoothly. So when Umber commanded the Dark Elf to stop she was thrilled. She was about to turn away from the window when something caught her eye. She used her keen eyesight to take a closer look. There appeared to be a fairy flying towards them and he was carrying something...no, someone. She could make out the red hair of the woman and she found it curious that she was being carried. If it had been any other day she wouldn't have thought much about it, perhaps thinking that the fairy was flying an elf somewhere, but as there was the report of humans being in the land she found it slightly suspicious. Her first instinct would have been to exit the Amora early and head towards the flying figures, but her training told her it was better to wait. Never underestimate anyone, it would be foolish of her to go after them without at least Umber. So she noted where they were and turned away from the window, deciding to bring it up once they met with Xenelith. Umber made mention that he could sense the Dark Elf nearby and she grinned. [Color=a0410d]"This shall be interesting for sure."[/color] She told him as she made her way towards the exit of the Amora. She was aware that Umber may have picked up on what she had witnessed moments ago. She even allowed the image to play in her mind for a few moments so he could note where they were at as well. [Color=a0410d]"Perhaps this will be more fun than we initially anticipated."[/color] She said quietly to her friend as she walked past him was a dark grin before she followed O'Ner and his horse out. They needed to find out what Xenelith knew.