The other ladies rolled their eyes. "Only ladies with a since of humor of the drama department personality would play along with your bull shit, student council president Christopher.", another lady said. Multiple women started to leave. Suddenly a present box fell before every leaving woman. " Before you leave ladies at least open my gift and feel my love for the ladies. My love for the ladies is so big not even infinity women can feel all my heart for the ladies.", Christopher said. Wedding open her present, she is suddenly blasted in a pink light of infinite the emotion of love. The other women open their present as well. The blushing Wedding close her box blushing super hard in love over Christopher. "No! That stupid Christopher just turned me bisexual the HGBT. The heterosexual, gay, bisexual, transgender, group. I'm a bellris you dick! My people are a entire alien civilization under the god of purity. To us bellris loving dudes is like romancing Rufus the pet boy dog. Unlike you silly humans we bellris don't fall into sins that badly unlike you stupid humans. Now I must have Aqua keep me on a tight leash. Don't open your gift Aqua.", Wedding said. Christopher looked surprised. " Terribly sorry it didn't occur to me to seriously weaken the love feeling to weak levels for the bellris. I Christopher hear by swear my loyalty to you two bellris as your servant boy. My powers is Aqua's powers. Im not saying my powers is Wedding's powers, I know your secret Wedding, the alarming one. How might I serve you Aqua?", Christopher ask. Christopher hand Valentine a rose.