[hider=Consequences | Aaron, Eris, Varis]Aaron made it back to his dorm from the administrative office quicker than he expected, leaving him a little less than ten minutes to spare before his curfew. A quick mental calculation had him thinking a 15 minute warning before his curfew would allow him enough time to get back appropriately early from just about anywhere on campus, though he’d have to be careful if he was coming from town. Things to work out later, though. Approaching the door, he tried the handle without thinking; he supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised when it was locked, seeing as Varis explicitly stated he would ‘leave and enter at his side’. That knowledge didn’t quite quell the embarrassment of having to request permission to enter his own (temporary) home, but he pushed it aside. It was the [i]Sinnenodel[/i] dorm, after all; it wasn’t like he came and went from Noila Castle was he pleased. Though it was still a bit from his curfew, Varis fully expected the boy back at least five minutes until six. Any later and he’d set an entirely new set of lines with a few days and some light life magic in between to rest his wrist. Maybe [i]I will not waste my Master’s time.[/i] Not as elegant as he’d like it but Varis would have some time to change it. However, there would definitely be a change of venue. Maybe the first ten minutes of his lunch, he’d have the boy write them in the public eye. Cutting into his “personal” time would surely force him to reflect on his poor behavior; after all, being on time was considered late and the tardiness would force Varis to handle the situation which in turn cut into the Count’s personal time and that was unacceptable. The knock at the door had the Count glancing at his phone, a short nod at the other vampire to answer the door. Varis had explained the plan to Eris already: answer the door, return with the boy, and do whatever close contact nonsense the actor enjoyed doing whenever was normally least convenient. The boy had sensibilities dated from when Varis was a child. With Eris flitting around so frequently now, Varis couldn’t afford those tedious feelings to interfere. He’d deal with this directly and leave the boy with a clear understanding of how Eris liked to behave in private. Eris suppressed a chuckle, though he made no protest as he approached the door. He paused at the entrance, making a conscious decision to loosen his tie slightly and open up the suit jacket. When he deemed himself ready, he opened the door, leaning against the frame as he flashed a dazzling smile at the mage. [color=ccff99]"There you are, Sunny!"[/color] He cheerfully greeted him, openly roving his eyes over Aaron's figure. Well, looks like Max was right. Aaron blinked at Eris when he opened the door, surprised to see him there at all, although he supposed he might have been even more shocked if Varis himself had answered. But even though Aaron had only known the actor for less than a night, somehow the smile and the invasive up-and-down look (he swore he could [i]feel[/i] it) were less interesting than the greeting. Was that a nickname? [color=f0d705]“Good evening, Mr. Samael,”[/color] Aaron replied, dipping his head appropriately. Was ‘Sunny’ because he was a light mage? Was it his hair? Was there any reason? In his puzzling he almost forgot the next step in this process, though he was more than a little off-put by having to perform it to get into his own dorm. [color=f0d705]“May I come in?”[/color] Eris pushed himself off the frame of the door, taking half a step back as he gestured inside. [color=ccff99]"[I]Mi casa es su casa[/i],"[/color] He replied, not skipping a beat. As the taller blonde walked in, Eris' eyes narrowed, his right arm taking the door and closing it hard enough to make a rather noticeable sound. He didn't linger, walking quickly to catch up with the mage as he slung an arm around him. [color=ccff99]"Did you have fun on your first night?"[/color] He asked him. The sudden jolt of an arm being thrown around him after the door slammed almost made Aaron jump, and the sudden movement of turning his head toward Eris made his earring get a little tangled in his hair again. [color=f0d705]“Well sir, it was eventful to say the least,”[/color] he replied, more than a little confused at Eris’ demeanour as he raised a hand to untangle his earring. Eventful? So he had mixed feelings about it. It was absolutely adorable to see Sunny in uncertainty, but he wouldn't focus too much on him. Eris released Aaron to step in front of him, stopping him from going forward as a quick hand grabbed Aaron's wrist, the actor's expression unfaltering. [color=ccff99]"If you keep touching it, you're never going to get used to it,"[/color] He spoke, his other hand sweeping the earring away from his golden locks before Eris would lower his hand--but he didn't release Aaron, instead continuing to walk as he pulled him along. [color=ccff99]"But tell me, what sort of shenanigans did you get yourself into? Batting away people who seek out the famed Noila mage? Although--"[/color] He paused as he seemed to think. [color=ccff99]"You must be referring to that poor soul that got sent to the mines, it looks like they pinned that one on you, didn't they?"[/color] Aaron was careful not to pull away when Eris fixed his earring, though he wasn’t at all fond of this hands-on attitude that the actor apparently shared with Varis. The mention of the rumour from earlier, though, was what really made him freeze, a pit forming in his stomach all over again. [color=f0d705]“An outrageous rumour, sir,”[/color] he informed Eris calmly, wondering if he’d have to scream it from the rooftops to finally kill that awful rumour, [color=f0d705]“I have no idea how it started or what happened with that girl, I assure you.”[/color] Eris raised an eyebrow, fascinated at Aaron's defense. He almost seemed offended at being the target, laughably so. Clicking his tongue, he let out a short laugh. [color=ccff99]"Outrageous? If you think [i]that[/i] is outrageous, then you're in for a wild ride, Sunny,"[/color] Eris chuckled. [color=ccff99]"But you tell me, what makes it so outrageous? The [i]audacity[/i] to implicate a Starag? Or the fact that you're as pure as untouched snow?"[/color] [color=f7976a]“Boy. Collect the key off the counter and then attend me.”[/color] Varis cut off whatever inane response the boy would give and followed with a snap at his feet. Although the boy was correct, the rumor was an outrageous lie, Varis didn’t care for the details of [i]why[/i] it was a lie to disrupt the plans he made for this evening. He already has his punishment for that whole scenario. Varis needed him in the here and now, not dwelling over last night. But, it didn’t mean he’d forget it. He made a mental note to look into it later; he didn’t need such whispers floating around anyone associated with him. Every word out of Eris’ mouth was only more confusing, and Aaron was about to reply with the simple truth that he was either in public view or at Varis’ side any time anything could possibly have happened with that Marivaldi girl before his reply was silenced by an order from the Count himself. Aaron was grateful for it, stepping deftly past Eris to obey, though he noticed the vampire let his touch linger on his wrist a little longer than was necessary. No time to be dwelling on that though, and he swiped the key off the counter and knelt before Varis before he even realized what he was holding. But as soon as he gave it a second glance, the Noila Academy crest emblazoned on it was unmistakable. It was the second dorm key. Maybe Varis decided it was more practical to give it to him after all? [color=f7976a]“Despite my reservations about your overall competency, my Lady seemed to enjoy your presence last night and brightening her mood should allow you an opportunity for a reward. I’m sure you can put two and two together. Before you retire for the day, I’ll grant you the opportunity to earn that key.”[/color] Varis sat forward, elbows resting on his legs as he tilted the boy’s face up. His eyes darkened as he recalled the disaster of the evening, the massacre of his relationship with the Spellman boy. [color=f7976a]“Count Astorio and I had the opportunity to observe your Affinity Mastery class for a while and I couldn’t help but notice Mr. Spellman seemed a little tense in your presence.”[/color] Varis made sure Aaron could watch his displeasure grow on his face before letting the boy go and sitting back once more. [color=f7976a]“Would you care to explain how this interesting strategy is meant to achieve the task before you?”[/color] Aaron’s eyes widened a touch at the floor. So he [i]was[/i] getting a chance! Having somehow impressed Lady Sinnenodel was news to him—she’d been cordial enough, though he’d been a little too terrified to notice if she was, in fact, pleased—but fortunately the subject turned to Salem. Yes, the conversation Varis had observed was definitely rocky, but luckily that had only been the beginning of the story. Somehow, he found himself getting his hopes up that he might actually be able to impress Varis, even if that darkened look in his eye still made his hair stand on end. [color=f0d705]“A bump in a flattening road, Master,”[/color] Aaron replied matter-of-factly. [color=f0d705]“I learned after dinner last night that Mr. Spellman isn’t fond of my family’s views on vampire-mage relations. What you and Count Astorio saw was only more of the same. He’s quite adamant in his views, but naive.”[/color] Aaron paused a second to make sure he had the order of events straight in his mind. [color=f0d705]“Fortunately, things smoothed out shortly after the viewing platform was cleared. In fact, I just returned from meeting him with a mutual friend after his etiquette class.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“How fortunate someone managed to salvage your disaster.”[/color] Varis commented drly as he leaned back. [color=f7976a]“Luckily, appropriate connections are half the battle. What did you learn from your meeting then.”[/color] Eris scampered over, watching Aaron with amusement as he suppressed a chuckle. He needed to work on his self-image, but it looked like a tall order from a subservient family. There was humble, and then there was making yourself look completely incompetent without any orders. Why admit that they bumped heads if Varis already saw and mentioned it? As much as a certain someone claimed they wanted an amenable noodle of a servant, there was a certain amount of backbone that should be had. [color=ccff99]"The first time is always the hardest,"[/color] Eris commented. [color=ccff99]"It's all well and good that you had someone to bridge the gap—stepping stones are always a good thing—though I'm surprised a hippie would be so disagreeable. Did you kindly suggest some better clothing options or did you hide something from him under a bar of soap?"[/color] Aaron pretty much expected Varis to be unimpressed, but that was only the beginning of the story. Eris, on the other hand… maybe it was unbecoming, but Aaron had to clear his throat to stop himself from laughing at his joke. [color=f0d705]“Not just our meeting Master, but most of the night,”[/color] Aaron clarified, skipping over Eris’ comment. [color=f0d705]“[i]Before[/i] things grew tense, he told me about his family’s traditions around the learning and teaching of magic. I have the details recorded, but one notable point was that somehow every mage in his family has been a plant mage.”[/color] Notable, but also downright strange. Aside from vague tendencies toward particular aspects, such uniform cohesion was all but unheard of. [color=f0d705]“Family members who turn out to be mundane are still kept within family circles, a luxury allotted by what sounds to me like a downright odd living situation with his family’s vampires.”[/color] [color=f0d705]“It reminds me of the Marivaldis, to a degree,”[/color] Aaron continued, though his doubt - or perhaps confusion - was plain in his voice. [color=f0d705]“He says they live ‘as one big family’, all treating each other as equals. It certainly explains his views; judging by what he told me and how he reacted to my relationship with you, Master, he’s been just as sheltered by his family’s way of life as I’ve been by mine.”[/color] He wrinkled his nose at the floor, remembering Salem’s bloodied knuckles. [color=f0d705]“He honestly believes his family’s model can be projected onto all of vampirekind and be viable, but it’s only ill prepared him for life outside of their care. His etiquette class was proof enough of that. Perhaps it’s being partly metered as a punishment, but I’ve never seen Count Julian make such a mess of someone’s hands. I don’t expect his transition to life with Count Astorio to go smoothly.”[/color] Suppressing a shudder at the thought, Aaron continued. [color=f0d705]“In any case, like I said, Salem and I seem to have found some common ground. In fact, our mutual friend Lilie is planning a little get-together for all the noble-serving mages tomorrow, which I would attend with your permission, Master.”[/color] Salem seemed a little more comfortable when Lilie was around, or at least, less combative. Plus, surely forming some ties with the Marivaldi mage and strengthening the shaky ones he had with Salem could only help. [color=f0d705]“I can put further details that I learned in writing if you would prefer, Master, but that’s the core of what I learned tonight.”[/color] Eris’ comment made Varis raise an eyebrow at the actor, just a quirk at the corner of his mouth displaying his amusement, but he focused back on the boy at his feet. One piece of information stood out among the garbage. The family’s vampires modeled themselves after the Marivaldis. He begrudgingly admitted to himself the boy managed to uncover an absolute treasure. Linking an investigation to the noble family’s methods could seriously cripple the so-called Modernist position for a few decades, long enough for his Lady to pass a few measures they’ve been sitting on for a better political climate. Plus, he could pressure the Spellmans’ vampires into convincing the Spellman boy’s father into a more agreeable contract with Varis. [color=f7976a]“Moving forward, I expect a written report on everything you discover. You’ll submit them once a week moving forward, even though I will ask about the details of your discoveries more often than that.”[/color] Varis explained as he tapped his fingers on his thigh. [color=f7976a]“Your confusion over such naive ideals is well founded. The modern society is structured for the benefit of both classes and such a change would fracture the peace we worked so hard to achieve. I don’t doubt the Spellman boy will break before he acclimates. What do-”[/color] Varis paused for a moment as something else processed in his head. [color=f7976a]“Lilie…”[/color] He mused briefly before recognition lit up his eyes and a disapproving frown crossed his face. [color=f7976a]“Ms. Dionne. The girl with dyed hair in Treaty Law; you have her letter drafted already correct?"[/color] Aaron nodded along with Varis’ orders, genuinely surprised and impressed with himself that Varis hadn’t found anything to chide him for. He even kind of agreed with him, which, while expected given the subject matter, would be considered a definite win. Of course, good things do not last. The mention of Lilie’s apology letter put Aaron on edge again, inwardly cursing himself for forgetting. Sure, he wasn’t sure when he would have had the chance to write it so far that night, but seeing as he’d been perfectly well informed of that particular duty, he really had no excuse for not making time to complete it. [color=f0d705]“I… do not, Master,”[/color] he admitted, figuring it was best to be forward. [color=f0d705]“I was focused tonight on mending ties with Mr. Spellman and making connections.”[/color] Perhaps a little embellishment wouldn’t hurt. [color=f0d705]“My apologies. I will spend my lunch breaks in the future working on them, if you would prefer to see them earlier in the morning, and work to manage my time more pragmatically.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“Unacceptable. I would have even tolerated an electronic draft despite the laziness they encourage. A solution is a solution after all.”[/color] Varis sighed, running a hand irritably down his face. [color=f7976a]“In the Sinnenodel household, in [i]my[/i] household, you will handle several tasks simultaneously. I should not need to explain to you the importance of handling all your assignments within their allotted time frames regardless of your other tasks. The fact that you don’t seem to understand this already concerns me. Perhaps the Noila’s were right. If I find more serious gaps in your performance like this, I may just petition the Council to return you to your former condition but under my rule indefinitely. I’m sure my mages would enjoy the company.”[/color] Varis leaned his head back, rubbing at the bridge of his nose with an exasperated sigh. What did the Noilas teach him because all the boy seemed to do was annoy him. The proffered solution was definitely in step with what Varis preferred but it was done far too late. If the boy wouldn’t be able to complete his task in an appropriate time, he should at least have a schedule for Varis to review and adjust. [color=f7976a]“You will complete that when we are done with our conversation.”[/color] Varis’s snapped. He was hoping after a single revision, Varis could send the boy to bed and not have to consider the headache he was but it seemed the boy was determined to make his morning as frustrating as possible. [color=f7976a]“Since we are dealing with the incompetence instilled into you from the royal family, come closer and show me the scar on your ear.”[/color] Varis didn’t bother waiting for the boy to react but rather turned his head himself until he could see it. [color=f7976a]“Would you like to explain why this was left off your medical records? If it was just an accident, I’m sure it would have been mentioned.”[/color] Varis traced the scar for a moment as he spoke. [color=f7976a]“I know how protective the royals are of your family. I’m sure you don’t want me following up with them about the inconsistency.”[/color] Aaron's head dipped a little lower under Varis’ volley, moreso because he knew it was deserved. Harsh as the Count was, multitasking was hardly an unreasonable expectation and Aaron could understand Varis’ frustration. After all, handling multiple responsibilities in tandem was the core of any role worth having in a vampire’s household. Still, the Count’s words stung, and Aaron had no doubt that his threat to have him locked away in his own domain carried weight. The mention of his scar, however, had Aaron wishing they could go back to talking about his incompetence. That scar was never a fun memory to dredge up, but now, being asked about it, he was at an impasse. The scar [i]was[/i] caused by an accident, after all, but... well, it was just simple luck that his ear injury that night was the only one that had left a mark. [color=f0d705]“...It was at my request, Master,”[/color] he finally replied, letting out a breath. [color=f0d705]“Or rather, my pleading. It [i]was[/i] an accident; a training accident, specifically. I was seventeen, preoccupied in a training session, and made a stupid mistake that ended with my ear torn in half. I didn't want Sir Bordeleaux to face discipline for my mistake, so I convinced the life mage who attended me afterward to leave the injury off my record.”[/color] That much, at least, was true. Eris looked at Aaron expectantly, surprised that he didn't continue. What, a Noilan life mage easily swayed by some teenage boy's plea? Starag or no, if Lucan Bordeleaux was responsible, the Noila family would have wanted to know. The fact that he had been 'preoccupied' did result in a more audible scoff, the blond crossing his arms. [color=ccff99]"What, did a group of maids go running by as you trained?"[/color] He asked. [color=ccff99]"The way they dress over there is so dull I'm sure you'd have gotten excited over the flurry of ankles that ran past, huh?"[/color] It was Aaron's turn to scoff at the comment, letting out a rush of air that could have been a laugh had he not been on such thin ice as it was. [color=f0d705]“No, sir,”[/color] he replied, resisting the urge to add ‘unfortunately’. Quickly, though, his mood grew somber. [color=f0d705]“My mother was very ill during that time and largely kept under quarantine. The night this all happened, I hadn't been allowed to see her for a couple of weeks and I was fearing the worst.”[/color] It had served as a hell of a distraction alright. They hadn't even let him Skype her by that point, and the only thing anyone had told him when he asked about her was ‘not to worry’. He failed to mention how utterly useless and powerless he'd felt, unable to help in any capacity and with nothing else to do but do his lessons, train, and wonder if he'd ever see his mother again. [color=ccff99]"Quarantine?"[/color] Eris questioned. Aaron nodded. [color=f0d705]“Sick mages are usually quarantined to prevent illness from spreading. My mother had some kind of lung infection and since I'm the only fertile Starag left in the family, they were very careful to make sure I was nowhere near it.”[/color] [color=f7976a]"Of course. The tedious obsession with the care of another frail mortal. I'll never understand why you attach yourselves to others when you know the moment you are born, you practically have a foot in the grave. Pathetic."[/color] Varis sighed in disappointment. [color=f7976a]"As uninspiring as your story was, at least it provided yet another example of how poorly you handle your expectations as not just a Starag, but as vampire's mage. Mages afflicted with illness that threaten others ought to be put down in my opinion. The Noilas were unnecessarily kind and you repaid them with embarrassment. At least you had the decency to save your instructor face."[/color] Varis scoffed and took a moment to evaluate the boy. [color=f7976a]"However, that is far more than a simple accident. I had thought you above such immature outbursts of emotion but this situation clearly suggests otherwise. You hid this from me when you had the opportunity to explain the situation last night and allowed me to draw an erroneous conclusion. As my mage, I expect your behavior and actions to benefit me to the fullest because those same behaviors reflect on me in society. A mage who keeps secrets from his master is as worthless as the dirt on the bottom of my shoe and I will deal with them as such. Would you like that?"[/color] Varis asked, pausing to let the question sink in. Boring as it was, Varis couldn't even bring himself to be honestly annoyed. Mostly he was just astounded. That pathetic experience was what he refused to explain? If it had been a good lie, Varis might have given him some room but how boring. [color=f7976a]"If you wish, I would gladly do so. It would be a waste of your potential but it would make my life significantly easier."[/color] Varis leaned forward and put a finger under Aaron's chin, tilting it up gently as opposed to grabbing it like he preferred. His eyes had cleared slightly and his frown softened. [color=f7976a]"I thought last night was a step in the right direction but I'm not sure now. I was quite pleased when you finally came to the conclusion that you needed to ask for clarification despite the frustration I expressed."[/color] Varis lied with an ease a century in the making. [color=f7976a]"And while I think I still see potential in you, we have a few habits the Noilas permitted to change. You're still young. Mistakes can be corrected but you'll have to work with me, not against me. I would hate to see you squander this opportunity, the only Starag to benefit from the tutelage of two Houses. Do you think you're capable of letting me teach you how to be better?"[/color] Varis’ initial comments made Aaron bristle irritably. He’d grown to understand why he had to be kept away from his mother when she was ill despite his pleading, and could appreciate the importance of quarantine, but the solution proposed by the Count was positively barbaric. The very thought of someone suggesting such a thing a few years prior was enough to set his blood boiling, but of course he couldn’t refute it. And, fortunately, the subject changed before he could stew on the matter too long. When it came to his own behaviour, Aaron had to accept that Varis was right. He cooled down quickly as he listened, embarrassment rising to replace anger as the Count went over concepts Aaron had been taught in his childhood. Had he truly slipped so badly? Laid out in plain english, Count Varis’ expectations were no more complex than any other he’d ever had to deal with, so then why was he failing at every turn? Varis had every right to be angry. If Aaron were in his position, he would have been as well. But when Varis lifted his face again - gentler this time, too - he didn’t look angry. Or, well, not as angry as he [i]had[/i] been. To Aaron’s astonishment, he sounded like he was willing to give him another chance. [color=f0d705]“Yes Master, please, I know I can learn to live up to your expectations,”[/color] Aaron replied in earnest, a strange, hopeful anticipation rising in his chest. Was [i]that[/i] why he’d been assigned to the Count after all? To be trained by two Houses? The idea that his assignment had a purpose beyond the Noilas conveniently casting him aside for quick political favour energized him, Varis’ multitude of insults and threats all but forgotten. [color=f7976a]"Excellent. I'm sure you'll exceed my expectations soon enough with that attitude."[/color] He let Aaron's chin go and leaned back once more. [color=f7976a]"However while the lack of a letter can be overlooked as distracted, lying cannot. You did well with the Spellman boy tonight so I'll keep your punishment to a minimum. For now, you've lost the right to that key. You'll have an opportunity to earn it again but for now, you'll offer that key to Eris."[/color] The blond shifted, pushing himself off the couch and sliding down into the seat next to Varis. His face was neutral, surprisingly, though there was the tiniest hint of a frown, almost as if he was sharing Varis' disappointment. Still, he said nothing, letting his actions speak for him. As Varis released him and doled out his punishment, Aaron couldn’t help but think he’d gotten off easy. He had already been prepared to do without a dorm key from the first night’s explanation, after all. Sure, offering the key that should have been his to Eris was belittling in no small measure, but Varis had just given him an opportunity that far outweighed the humiliation and he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Without hesitation Aaron nodded, producing the key. Eris made things easier by sitting next to Varis - a gesture that made him feel a little like he was answering to both of them, but he wasn’t worried about that now - and Aaron simply shifted a touch on his knee, bowing his head and holding the key out for Eris to take. [color=ccff99]"Such a generous little ball of sunshine,"[/color] Eris cooed, plucking the key from Aaron's hand. He eyed the symbol engraved on it, eyes darting back down to the still kneeling mage. [color=ccff99]"I think kneeling is how I prefer you, too, though I'd much rather have you on all fours if it were up to me."[/color] [color=f7976a]"A bold statement considering who you're sitting next to. Maybe if you behave well enough but let the poor boy be for now. He has tasks to attend to."[/color] Varis chuckled at Eris's behavior, [color=f7976a]"Go on. If you don't have any questions, I expect the letter complete, drafts and all, before sunrise."[/color] Yeesh, maybe giving the key to Eris was a worse punishment than Aaron thought. And of course, Varis apparently entertaining Eris’ little [i]suggestion[/i] made it ten times worse. For the umpteenth time that night, Aaron had to fight down a rising unease, tying his stomach in knots. Serving was no unfamiliar thing, a point of pride even, but he was not accustomed to being so… objectified. And worse yet, Aaron couldn’t shake the feeling that this was only the tip of the iceberg with Eris now being able to come and go as he pleased. Standing gratefully with an obligatory, [color=f0d705]“Yes, Master”[/color] when he was relieved, Aaron offered the pair each a quick bow and turned on his heel, heading for the study to get started on his letter. He would have liked to use Varis’ invitation for questions to ask for the [i]real[/i] reason his doors were removed, but he knew now that he was pushing his luck far enough as it was and opted to just get out of the situation as soon as he could. Eris bit back his own chuckle, noticing the speed at which Sunny made his leave. The sheltered boy was far too easy to rile--it was almost too easy. He leaned back in his seat, watching the blond scamper away, but he couldn't quite resist one last jab. [color=ccff99]"I'd much rather be in that position for you, [i]mon beau[/i],"[/color] He replied cheerfully to the redhead, although he dropped his tone to something far more suggestive as he continued with, [color=ccff99]"[I]Viens, faisons-nous des galipettes[/i]."[/color] [color=f7976a]"Stop teasing the boy. He'll faint if you aren't careful."[/color] Varis chuckled, a rare genuine smile on his face. Despite being more focused on Varis next to him, hearing Aaron's footsteps pick up as he left brought Eris a great amount of satisfaction. A smile cracked through, and as he looked over to where the mage had gone, he leaned backwards against Varis, letting a small laugh escape him. Naive, predictable...the Starag was going to be a great source of endless entertainment. [/hider]