The baseball bat smashed straight into the unsuspecting Imp, striking it right at a weak spot. Sasha felt the Imp give way with a sickening crunch. The system showed that she had dealt '13' damage. Just enough to defeat the Imp. Her joy was short lived however. She didn’t have time to recover from the heavy swing before a nearby Imp tore into her with its claws. Sasha screamed and leapt back. It felt like several lines of white hot pain were drawn across her chest, but her clothes were still intact. A red 12 appeared over her head. "Shit, how much HP do we have?" she yelled. "And fuck off! I don't need this right now!" Sasha cursed at the new window that popped up in her vision. She had obtained a skill called physical endurance that leveled up whenever she took damage. Great. Doesn't that mean she had to endure masochistic activities to become more durable? Out of the corner of her eye she caught movement. The girl swung her baseball bat wildly to fend another Imp off. It connected with its claws, managing to stop it from attacking her temporarily. This was looking bad, Sasha thought. She pulled out the pepper spray from her inventory swiftly and fired it in an arc towards the Imps. Then she simply backed away until she was behind Ren and Lucian again, bat held up high to parry any attacks.