[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7bkbXx5.png[/img][/center] [b]Character you have created:[/b] [color=ADFF2F]April Newton[/color] [b]Alias:[/b] [b][color=ADFF2F]Miss Megaton[/color][/b] [b]Speech Color:[/b] [color=ADFF2F]ADFF2F | Green Yellow[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] [color=ADFF2F]Hero[/color] [b]Identity:[/b] [color=ADFF2F]Secret[/color] [b]Character Personality:[/b] Miss Megaton is a symbol of hope, positivity, and perseverance to the people she protects. She's quick with a smile, and she always looks for the best in others. Although her responsibilities demand a lot of her, she never loses sight of "the little guy," those individuals with whom she may only have a passing interaction but for whom Miss Megaton would sacrifice anything. She's fiercely protective, so when someone threatens innocent life, she can easily turn up the intensity. As April Newton, she is no less tenacious. Careful never to step too far out of line -- lest she shatter the girl-next-door illusion and inadvertently reveal her identity -- she nevertheless stands up for what she believes in with an unwavering determination. Utilizing the power of the press, she gives voice to those in need of one, and she fights to enact change on a scale far grander than even Miss Megaton can achieve. [b]Uniform/Costume:[/b] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/d6gnkjs.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UcfYKfY.png[/img] [color=ADFF2F][b]Miss Megaton[/b] / April Newton[/color][/center] [center][hider=Fancast][color=ADFF2F][b]Virginia Gardner[/b][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/V99GhHg.jpg?1[/img][/hider][/center] [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Tragedy struck the life of April Newton early, as her father -- Dr. Henry Newton -- perished in a mysterious accident while working for Zenith Dynamics, a mega-conglomerate with a focus on cutting-edge technology. The circumstances surrounding Henry's death were never clearly disclosed, and even young April detected something suspicious afoot. Still, it would be many years before she had the chance to do anything about it, and so life went on. After graduating with a degree in mixed media journalism, April moved to nearby Century City and procured an internship at the Chronicle, the city's oldest and most respected institution. Parlaying this internship into a full-time executive assistant position, April worked diligently and obediently until the day that a story involving Zenith Dynamics landed on her desk. A disgruntled former employee claimed to have evidence of Zenith's dirty dealings, but the editor, April's boss, declined to move forward with the lead. April took matters into her own hands. Infiltrating Zenith under the guise of being a full-fledged reporter, April tried to dig up information that might give her a lead on her father's untimely demise. However, she was promptly caught snooping around and escorted back to the ongoing demonstration of a new cold fusion reactor. There, amongst Zenith's scientists and other members of the press, April's life changed forever. A catastrophic failure inside the reactor caused it to explode, and April was caught squarely in the blast. Her body was bathed in experimental radiation and irrevocably transformed. Though April tried to go back to business as usual, it was obvious that something had changed. She felt different. Stronger. And periodically, she seemed to produce bursts of radioactive energy. After one of Zenith's lab technicians tracked her down, he deduced what had happened. April had been transformed into a living nuclear reactor, with all the subsequent strengths and dangers. The technician helped April contain her powers, and together they formulated a plan. April wouldn't just find justice for her father, as she had originally intended. Instead, she would use these newfound powers for the betterment of Century City at large as... Miss Megaton! [b]Hero Type:[/b] [color=ADFF2F]Energy - Radiation[/color] [b]Power Level:[/b] [color=ADFF2F]World Level[/color] [b]Powers:[/b] When April became Miss Megaton, she was imbued with the awesome and destructive power of the atom. She is capable of spontaneously generating radioactive emissions which vary in intensity from harmless, concussive bursts to concentrated blasts capable of melting through solid steel. Her ability to manipulate these energies ranges from pinpoint precision to devastating areas of effect. Whenever she encounters a sufficiently powerful source of radiation, she has a limited ability to absorb and redirect this energy. Moreover, Miss Megaton's exposure affected not only her ability to [i]produce[/i] radiation but also to detect it. She is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, granting her the ability to see in the entire visible spectrum as well as x-ray, infrared, and radio waves. In addition, the raw power coursing through her body grants her many other gifts. She's incredibly strong and far more durable than the average human. She possesses the power of flight, and she can move at exceptional speeds. Overall, she's healthier and more resilient, and she recovers from injury at an increased rate. [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent] Height: [color=ADFF2F]5'8"[/color] Weight: [color=ADFF2F]125 lb[/color] Strength Level: [color=ADFF2F]100+ Tons[/color] Speed/Reaction Timing Level: [color=ADFF2F]80 MPH (flying)[/color] Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: [color=ADFF2F]3 Hours[/color] Agility: [color=ADFF2F]5x Human Level[/color] Intelligence: [color=ADFF2F]Average[/color] Fighting Skill: [color=ADFF2F]Untrained[/color] Resources: [color=ADFF2F]Average[/color][/indent] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Though she's incredibly tough, she's not indestructible. She can bruise, and she can bleed, even if it does take a superhuman effort. In spite of her strength, she's more effective at a distance, and she can easily get overwhelmed in melee by an opponent of equivalent -- or greater -- might. Additionally, when she's pushed to her limit, it can exhaust the energy that drives her powers; until it can regenerate, she's entirely human again. On a psychological level, Miss Megaton's unflagging optimism can be turned against her. She's quick to trust, and her belief in the essential goodness of others can override her good sense when dealing with those who have proven to be unworthy of that trust. Like any good hero, her commitment to protecting the innocent can be used against her. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] [color=ADFF2F]Daisy Miller:[/color] April's best friend since childhood. Their fathers were business partners, so they spent a lot of time around each other growing up. After both men were conscripted by Zenith Dynamics to work on a classified project and subsequently perished in an "industrial accident," April and Daisy grew even closer in their shared grief. They've been inseparable since. [center][hider=Fancast][color=ADFF2F][b]Nathalie Emmanuel[/b][/color] [img]https://cdnph.upi.com/ph/st/th/7761561994168/2019/i/15619958018049/v1.5/Four-Weddings-and-a-Funeral-Nathalie-Emmanuel-navigates-love-friendship-in-first-trailer.jpg?lg=2[/img][/hider][/center] [color=ADFF2F]Jefferson Boone:[/color] Lab technician at Zenith Dynamics. He was the first person to be saved by Miss Megaton, back during the accident which gave her her powers. Jeff took it upon himself to track down April and volunteer his services as her personal "superhero assistant." He helped April learn to control her powers, and he designed her costume. For which he's very proud. [center][hider=Fancast][color=ADFF2F][b]Tye Sheridan[/b][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MFS5uOv.jpg?1[/img][/hider][/center] [color=ADFF2F]Michael (Mickey) Holtz:[/color] Chief editor at the Chronicle, April's boss. Mickey worked his way up from the newsroom, so he's put more blood, sweat, and tears into the paper than anyone else around... and he's extremely possessive of it as a result. Though he can be overbearing and close-minded at times, he holds himself and others to the highest standard of journalism. Consequently, he cuts April very little slack. [center][hider=Fancast][color=ADFF2F][b]Enrico Colantoni[/b][/color] [img]http://ethnicelebs.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/bigstock-Enrico-Colantoni-at-the-CBS-C-57678836-400x598.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [color=ADFF2F]Peyton Campbell:[/color] The Chronicle's crackshot photographer with a bit of a rebellious streak. She takes an instant liking to April and aspires to bring her out of her shell. Peyton has a nose for danger, which makes her extremely good at her job but often gets her into a lot of trouble. She faces it all with a smile, much to the consternation of Mickey. [center][hider=Fancast][color=ADFF2F][b]Kate Mara[/b][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SQ9IGqf.jpg?1[/img][/hider][/center] [color=ADFF2F]Luke Gardner:[/color] Bartender at McCaffrey's, a downtown pub frequented by April & Daisy. April's had a crush on him for a while, but she's yet to work up the courage to ask him out... despite Daisy's constant pestering. [center][hider=Fancast][color=ADFF2F][b]Amadeus Serafini[/b][/color] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTc5OTc3MTE5MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTMyNDMyMjE@._V1_SY1000_SX1500_AL_.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [color=ADFF2F]Sinclair Davis:[/color] A mysterious executive at Zenith Dynamics with ties to the deaths of Dr. Newton & Dr. Miller. [center][hider=Fancast][color=ADFF2F][b]Betty Gilpin[/b][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Te5FDmM.jpg?1[/img][/hider][/center] [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] I sure hope so. [b]Sample Post:[/b] [hider=Non-canon][color=ADFF2F]"I feel ridiculous, you know."[/color] Jefferson's now familiar voice crackled through April's earpiece. "Oh, come on," he began, "you've gotta admit that it's a pretty cool suit!" April wasn't ready to do anything of the sort. In fact, she felt more than a little absurd soaring twenty stories above the city in a skintight top and a skirt, to say nothing of the cape upon which Jeff had insisted. [color=ADFF2F][i]"Aerodynamics?" Yeah, right,[/i][/color] April thought skeptically as she looped around a skyscraper, catching a glimpse of her reflection in the glass. She wasn't sold on the color scheme, either, and the radioactive symbol felt a little on-the-nose. "Have you given any thought to your name?" Jefferson cut in again, interrupting April's thoughts. The silliness of his question prompted her to roll her eyes. [color=ADFF2F]"I'm not giving myself a name,"[/color] she insisted. Jefferson protested. "You can't not give yourself a name! What are you supposed to do when the citizens say, 'Oh, thank you for saving us, Miss... ?' It's not like you can call yourself April." He wasn't wrong on that, but April was sure she'd figure something out. "Wait, that's it! What about 'Miss Megaton?'" Jefferson asked excitedly. April actually scoffed. [color=ADFF2F]"I'm definitely not calling myself 'Miss Megaton.'"[/color] She could think of no better way to make herself feel like an absolute fool than by doing that. If she was going to give herself a name -- and she [i]wasn't[/i] -- she certainly wouldn't choose something as cheesy as that. And "Miss?" Seriously? Sighing, April realized that all this worrying wouldn't amount to anything if she never got a chance to flex her muscle, anyway. She had been practicing her flying for almost half an hour now without so much as a peep below. Maybe the city didn't need a superhero after a-- As if on cue, a thunderous boom ripped through the air. April's head jerked in the direction of the sound, and her body followed. A column of smoke rose in the distance. April clenched her fists and willed herself towards it with all the speed her newfound powers would allow. Jeff buzzed in, "Police radios are blowing up right now. Apparently, there was some kind of explosion near Liberty Park." If for some reason she didn't believe him, the chorus of sirens below was all the confirmation she needed. Coming up on the park, April gasped. [color=ADFF2F]"It's the hyperrail,"[/color] she reported while assessing the damage to the city's cutting-edge monorail system. An entire section of the track had been destroyed, its pieces covering the street below in rubble. Movement caught April's eye, and she turned her head to look down the track. [color=ADFF2F]"Oh no..."[/color] "What? What is it?" April grit her teeth. [color=ADFF2F]"Train's coming."[/color] There wasn't time to think, much less strategize. April zoomed forward, meeting the train as it sailed across the track, propelled forward at incredible speed by the magnetic rail. The impact drove her back immediately. [color=ADFF2F][i]So that's what it feels like to get hit by a train,[/i][/color] she mused darkly. Shaking it off, she flattened her palms against the train's curved nose and summoned all her strength. At first, nothing seemed to happen, but then the sleek metal began to crumple and cave beneath her hands. She winced and pushed harder, feeling the entire weight of the eight-car train as it barreled towards certain doom. "Oh, my God," came Jefferson's voice. April wondered how he was seeing this until she turned her head and saw a news chopper circling overhead. The pressure was on; the city -- maybe the world -- was now watching. April forced herself to block out the distractions. The closer they came to the end of the line, the more April could feel the heat from the flames on the street below. Rather than sapping her of her strength, it invigorated her; her cells drank in the energy, storing and converting it for her own purposes. Almost imperceptibly at first, she felt the monorail slowing. Still, the broken track neared. She was running out of space. April shifted down and put her shoulder into the nose of the train. She wrapped her arms around it, the metal feeling like tissue paper in her hands. She could hear the gasping and shrieking crowd of onlookers. The train shuddered as the first car dislodged from the broken track. April fell with it, her imminent failure burning beneath her skin, when she -- and it -- suddenly stopped. Daring to open her eyes, she found herself hovering ten feet above the street. The train rested on her shoulder, two cars dangling off the edge of the track but otherwise unharmed. A smile crept across April's face, and she heard the cheers of the assembled crowd. Invigorated, she lifted the train back onto what remained of the track, gently setting it down. She clapped the dust off her hands and gave a cheeky wink at the exasperated conductor behind the plate glass windscreen. [color=ADFF2F][b]"All in a day's work for Miss Megaton,"[/b][/color] April breathed. She turned and took to the skies, relishing the warmth of the sunlight on her face. "You used the name!"[/hider]