Name:Toby Age: 20 Appearance: [hider=Toby] [img][/img] [/hider] Toby is 5'6. He is fairly pale from spending a lot of time indoors his hair is died a dark purple like his father's wings and his eyes are hazel. He is pretty skinny as he doesn't really take part in the camp half blood events except for capture the flag. He wears a oversized hoodie with sweatpants and classic converse and he almost always has a perpetual sleepy look on his face. Godly parent: Hypnos God of sleep Powers: [hider=hypnokenesis] Hypnokinesis (from the Greek word hypnos, meaning sleep) is the ability to manipulate sleep patterns and, by extension, dreams. This can be used to induce instantaneous sleep on biotic subjects, or to induce perpetual insomnia (which in a few days can kill you). One with this ability can remove the need to sleep from any biotic subject, or make them dreadfully tired all the time. One can also cause the subject to sleep forever in a comatose-like state and can even determine how deep a sleep or how long a person or people has [/hider] Bio:THE Other: is pretty lazy but will help his friends Theme song: wake me up by crown the empire Four years ago : Toby had been stabbed in the heart yes luckily he put himself in a coma until he was thrown in the same pit as arthur. Thanatos feeling he owed his brother stopped Toby from dying and took him to hypnoses home where are toby has honed his skills and learned more about his powers and the river lethe