[hr][hr] [center][h1]The Resurgence[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [b]Location: Resurgence - Briefing Room.[/b] [center][b]Star Date: Unknown.[/b][/center] [right][b]Communications: N/A.[/b][/right] Yiithren and his group remained silent, aside for some excitedly high pitched burbling as they perused the navigation data given to them by Erthos. Let the others make their boasts and claims. He and his people finally had the confirmation they had been seeking since arriving here. And now that they knew where they were, perhaps they could find their way back to where they had been. "So my original estimation was correct," Strevrols muttered as he flicked through the files. "We are in another universe. Hmm. How intriguing." "Yes, very." Yiithren said curtly, his eyes narrowing as he studied the star systems listed on his datapad. "But it still doesn't help us with actually finding our way home." "True," The Va's chief engineer replied as he put the pad down and turned to face his captain. "but it does confirm our peoples' theories on alternate realities existing." "I fail to see how that helps." Yiithren replied, annoyance briefly flashing across his face. "Well..." Strevrols began, leaning in and lowering his voice so the others couldn't hear. "We are at war with the traitors who nearly eradicated our people in ages past. Which means we need as much resources and firepower as we can get if we want to defeat them and take back what was rightfully ours. And it just so happens that we find ourselves in a universe completely unaware of us and what we can do. So, logically, perhaps we can use our stay here to our peoples' advantage..." Yiithren locked a pair of eyes on his chief engineers hunched over form, rage burning bright within them. "I should have you drug before the Council and executed for even suggesting such a thing!" He spat, almost alerting the whole room to their conversation. "We are not going to be the advance force for an invasion, and we will not, under any circumstances, enslave or purge its native inhabitants!" "But sir, think of all the benefits our people could reap from claiming this place! Why with some of the resources here, we could-" "No." Yiithren said with steel in his voice, cutting Strevrols off. "And that's final. I'm appalled you would even think such a thing, let alone think you could sway me to believing the same. Be glad Admiral Kost is not here, else I'd have you court-martialed and stripped of your position faster than you could blink! Never speak of such things to me again, or else I'll have you jettisoned into the nearest star. We are not tyrants like our ancestors were, and we will not make the same mistakes they did. The only reason we fight those traitorous empires is to defend ourselves. Nothing more, nothing less. Now start transmitting this data back to the ship's navigational systems." Yiithren said, casting a glance around the room to make sure no one had overheard them, before returning his attention to the pad. All while making a mental note to keep a very close eye on his now silent chief engineer for the duration of their stay in this universe.