He shrugs. " That hill is just the highest point that you can see right now. If I really wanted to I have killed a person from about 25 miles away with a single round. Had it pass through the neck and then into the heart of the woman that he was currently with. Sometimes taking out world leaders is a problem. Sometimes it's not. Either way. You both still have a lot to work on if you want to be master assassins like me and some day Shadow. He is skilled. But not even close to a master. But he knows what he has to work on. Where as the two of you. Well your both cocky. One is a drunk that thinks he can handle his booze and still be fine. The other is a being that may have lived lifetimes but falls back on her powers instead of true skill. Both of you lack the focus that you need to do the jobs that we will be taking. You joke around to much. And let me state this now. Immortality is nothing. I don't die. I can't die. You both can die and have your immortality ended. So you should start learning that even if you think you can just come back. There is an end to everything. Even I will someday fade away. If any of you want to get ready for what's coming. Then you have to seek out your teachers. And be ready to crawl away broken.