[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/50VBWNfh/63507c917b644ae085a53d695ad43269.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/2fa3b68ea7ccb5e241580009fa3f8dfe/tumblr_nrjjdcXvK71uq1wtvo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][h3][b][i][center][color=8519A2]Arc I - Terreille in Trouble[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h3] [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=SlateBlue]Faeril Ashkevron[/color] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/57a4/i/2017/010/a/2/yennefer_of_vengerberg_by_nikivaszi-da82bef.jpg[/img] [color=SlateBlue]In front of Ashkevron Residence, Askavi[/color][/h3] [color=SlateBlue]Interacting with[/color] [@Slim Shady] [@eclecticwitch] [@13org] [@Zoey White] [@SilverPaw] [/center] [hr] Faeril was about to snap a reply to the Eyrien warrior that would be far from polite when he took flight, satisfied with himself no doubt. Feeling the Queen pull her arm from her weakened grasp, Faeril felt herself sway. She had lost a decent amount of blood fighting with Xandar and a sleepless night hardly helped when the jitters after a nerve-racking event set in. Fatima hardly needed to be stern as the Ice Healer sat on the low garden wall that kept her annuals from the more sinister herbs and winced as her wing jolted the cut in the membrane. If there could be one kind thing said of Faeril at the moment it would be that she was far from a wriggly patient. Being a Healer herself she knew better than to fight or argue when you [i]did[/i] need a Healing done. Too often she had been the on the receiving end of such foolishness from a patient. Watching as Mikhail approached with a less than pleasant look, the Black Widow tried to give him a poisonous look that turned more into a weak and watery glare as the Gray Jeweled Prince lectured them. She was hardly an apprentice at her Craft to be scolded so, she thought as her temper bristled slightly. The lack of sleep and her overworked body dulling its edge, as her mind slowly sorted through Mikhail's words and worked them so they made sense. He wasn't entirely wrong on some points but there were others he just wasn't prepared to know about. Giving a weak smiling chuckle, the Black Widow rested her head against the stone pillar that served as a marker for the garden. [color=SlateBlue]"Your contract, Prince, to me will be complete with time... Your contract to the Lady?"[/color] She called with a crow's harsh voice after the Dea Al Mon Prince. [color=SlateBlue]"Do you think it not strange that a Warlord Prince of skill, a Queen with a powerful Jewel, along with two other capable men turned up at my door all at once? I am not so sought after as you might think."[/color] Her blue eyes were closed as her voice wavered with exhaustion. [color=SlateBlue]"I spent many a night weaving my tangled web and dreaming and drawing power to me. Powerful males to serve. A powerful Queen who could stand free of the taint that threatens this Realm. Be Xandar what he may, this corruption has left scars on him as profound as your own though in a different way. But you both feel the pull, and you both can walk away from it."[/color] There were wing beats as Gen and his brother flew up the cliff face to reach their Black Widow again. Faeril Ashkevron staring at Mikhail as she opened her eyes, hardly seeing in the physical realm as the world took on different shapes and tones and meanings. [color=SlateBlue]"An Eyrie with brutal force and power who wears the darkest Jewel in the realm beside the Black. An assassin who wears the Grey. A Warlord who wears the Red. That is the start of the Grey Queen's Court. I cannot make you stay Prince Mikhail, but I can beg you to. Because if you do not... [i]Then the tapestry will rot. The threads will untangle and fall through the Darkness and the next tapestry will begin to rot again. This time the rot will be a mold that leads to a plague. It will be fought, but how can one survive a plague? Ashes, Prince. I see black ashes.[/i]"[/color] Faeril's tone took on the queer dreamer's voice as it grew in strength. Falling silent, Fatima would realize the woman had fallen into an exhausted sleep. Gennar and his brother landing and hurrying over to her with looks of worry on their faces.