A gentle nudge roused Rhy from the sleep she swore she didn’t need. Her eyes blearily opened; scooting her glasses up her nose, she looked up at Rhaq’a, then where he was looking. Her eyes widened as the fireworks lit up the sky and water. It was as though they were surrounded on all sides by glittering lights. [color=#FFE58F]”Wow…”[/color] A whisper escaped her lips. [color=#FFE58F]”It’s [i]beautiful…”[/i][/color] She continued leaning into her mate as the ferry drew closer to Shirogane. The skyline of the homes drew closer as the ferry droned on. She loved spending time like this with him. Even without saying anything, they spoke so much between them. It was a shame when the ferry pulled up to the dock. As the passengers disembarked, she stayed, holding onto Rhaq’a as long as she could.