Father Cyril glanced around at a bit of the crowd that still remained. [b]"Let us get away from this crowd, I'm sure you both have had enough of cramped spaces."[/b] He said as he motioned them to start walking. Lucien followed, his eyes couldn't help but wander as he walked through the streets. Honestly he was a little surprised at how.. familiar things seemed to him in terms of structure, though he had heard this city held a lot of French among other European immigrants. The sense of familiarity was a little comforting. [b]"I hope your voyage went well? I'm sure it must have been hard travelling on your own."[/b] The priest asked. [color=burlywood]"I admit it was a lot to take in but.. Faolan helped me get accustomed to the way things worked. It was certainly.. different."[/color] He responded. The priest had given the larger man another sideways glance. It was likely he was worried about the man's intentions, but Lucien didn't think he had anything to worry about. [b]"Was.. everything really okay? There were no problems..?"[/b] Father Cyril asked in French, causing Lucien to glance back over at him. He knew there was a deeper meaning to his question. He had hesitated for just a small moment, after all he [i]had[/i] revealed his healing ability but.. Faolan had never asked any questions, so he figured everything was fine. [color=burlywood]"Yes, it was fine."[/color] He responded but in English, a bit of a habit from the ship. The priest sighed with relief at his response. By then, they had finally gotten a decent distance from the dock. [b]"Well, my home is further down this street. I'm sure that you are both tired of the food they have on that ship. Faolan was it? You are welcome to join us for dinner, it's the least I can do for the help you provided to Lucien."[/b] He said, looking up at the man. At this, Lucien smiled, looking up at Faolan with a bit of anticipation. He was glad that Father Cyril had offered. It gave a reason for Faolan to stick around a while longer.