Neil laughed nervously, shaking his head. He picked up one of the ice cold beers and pointed at Sayeeda. "You know I usually like it when you're crazy, but don't joke about that." he told her, reclining back and taking a long swig of the brew. It burned going down in a pleasant sensation, and he gave a gasp when he was done. Indra seemed at the edge of her rope, with all of their plans coming up short. He didn't necessarily know what to do to make her feel better, but he felt the same way. Junebug's idea could never work, it... "Wait..." he said, feeling a sense of wonderment as he plotted, realizing he had been thinking through this the wrong way. Junebug did have a good idea, even if it would have gotten them all torn into a trillion pieces and devoured by RIP beasts. He just needed to make it work. It was impossible to teleport to other systems, and it was impossible to send transmissions accurately instantaneously as well. But if they could somehow get on one of those ships without being noticed, they could hitch a ride. "What?" Sayeeda asked, looking at him expectantly. Neil hadn't realized he had been quiet for some time. He was still doing the math in his head, calculating on if they had the right equipment, theorizing on how this would effect the RIP tide, if it would at all. It was almost as crazy to attempt what the Captain had suggested anyway, but this might make it possible to try it if they could get this to work. Junebug snapped her fingers in front of his face, and sighed when he was still contemplating. Indra shrugged, not knowing what was wrong with him. "Neil, I am giving you an order to start talking." she said, leaning forward over the table, alcohol on her breath. "Answer me!" Neil's mind finished processing, and he could almost hear an audible 'ding' once he realized it was possible. Neil could not contain his excitement. He suddenly grabbed Junebug by the hair and suddenly kissed her. Not giving her time to react, he looked right into her eyes. "You are a godsdamn genius, Junebug!" he exclaimed. He stood up and down the last half of his beer, giving an audible burp once he was finished. Indra raised a hand as if she were in a classroom. "Um, excuse? What is happening right now?" she asked, somewhat taken aback but morbidly intrigued. Neil clamped the bottle back on the table. "Look, a RIP jump can't take more than a conceived, estimated amount of mass, right? So we couldn't dock on a ship, Sven owned or no, if the converter cannot take us through the RIP. So all we need to do, is to make sure we [i]have[/i] no mass. Right?" His hands began to spin, signifying a rotating electron, though that would be lost on anyone but himself. "To do that we need an anti-gravity generator, because anti-gravity creates our own separate reality. Following me?" He didn't wait to see if anyone was actually following him, and he continued to think out loud. "If you understand the full range of quantum mechanics, you can make anti-gravity. The tricky part is you can't observe it or you'll be entangled in the quantum field, and done in an anti-gravity machine can...create...a black hole..." he waved that away, dismissing the catastrophic possibility as if it was nothing. "But that's not going to happen. What will happen, if we transfer most of our remaining power to the generator is that it'll form a small reality where we float in real space, within the generator of Sven's ship. So it will be as if we have no mass. Goddamn I am a genius, and you are too!" he pointed at Junebug. "Gideon save me, ok we need to get started." The following minute was spent with Neil explaining what types of scrap and lenses he would need, with Lonney filling in the blanks of Neil's techno-gibberish, though truth be told it was less techno and more Neil gibberish. [@Penny]