Lucien nodded in agreement. [color=burlywood]"I think I get what you mean. It does have a bit of a French feel but.. I also see things I normally wouldn't see back in France, it's a little refreshing, but at the same time comforting because it doesn't feel like I've been thrown into a completely different place."[/color] He said. It was that sense of familiarity that allowed him to feel a little less out of place, but he could still tell he was definitely not in France anymore, and he really looked forward to being able to see more of this place. At Faolan's next comment, he glanced over in the direction the priest had disappeared off to. It was only because Faolan had pointed it out that he was just barely able to make out the smell of fish. It had certainly been a strong smell back at the boat, considering they had been at the open sea. [color=burlywood]"You really do have a good nose."[/color] He told him with a small chuckle. It was then that Father Cyril came back into the room. [b]"Dinner's served."[/b] He said, motioning them over to his dining room. Had they not been cramped into a small room for the majority of this journey, Lucien would have found it strange to see how small things were in comparison to Faolan's size. The man was certainly tall. He wondered if he would be able to become tall like that one day. The nephilim could only hope. Once they were seated to eat, Lucien began to contemplate. After dinner was over.. would Faolan leave? He knew the man wanted to look for some work before he left the city but.. where would he stay? He was a little worried about him, but there was also the fact that he thought it would be nice if he would get to see him around more before he actually decided to leave. Honestly, Lucien wasn't really ready to say goodbye. Had he gotten a little attached? Maybe. It wasn't everyday he got to make a new friend.. and even more so a friend who knew something was off about him but decided not to question it. That fact was what made him trust Faolan a lot more than the average person. [b]"Lucien? Do you not like the food?"[/b] Father Cyril's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He had been so invested in them that he had stopped eating. [color=burlywood]"Oh, no I do! I was just lost in thought, my apologies. It's very delicious, thank you."[/color] He said as he continued to eat again. It was after a little while of this that he decided to speak up again, but this time in French. [color=burlywood]"Father Cyril.. my friend said he was going to try to look for work here for a little while before he moved on to the next town.. do you think it would be possible for him to stay here in the meantime? Back at the ship.. he really did help me a lot. I felt I would not have made it here unexposed if it weren't for him.."[/color] He muttered. Part of him felt rude for asking in French even though he knew Faolan couldn't fully understand, but he also hadn't wanted to offer without checking with Father Cyril first, after all, this was his home, and Lucien was also a guest here. Father Cyril raised his eyebrows slightly at the question, before giving Faolan a small glance. The priest hadn't really known how to feel about the man, considering he was a bit.. intimidating, but he couldn't really deny him if he had really helped the boy out to that extent. He knew how worried the head priest had been about sending Lucien off to travel on his own. [b]"Faolan, Lucien tells me you are going to be staying here a little while for work. If you don't have anywhere else to stay, I would gladly let you stay here. My home isn't all that large but.. if you don't mind it, feel free to stay until it's time for you to go."[/b] He offered. Lucien was relieved to hear Father Cyril offer, but he didn't glance up to look at Faolan. He wasn't sure if he had overstepped again in asking this without consulting him first but.. he didn't see the harm in it. After all, he could deny it if he really didn't want to, he just.. hoped he wouldn't.