[b]Robin Murdock & Zach - Atlanta, Georgia - Adora Zayas House[/b] “I can’t believe Ryan convinced me to look into this but it’s probably nothing.” Robin Murdock was a 42 years old disillusioned ex cop. Fired for what she said where “political reasons” aka getting put off the Atlanta police force for excessive force. As a former homicide detective she felt many of the cases she handled had nothing but excessive force required. “I can’t believe your really taking a hunch from Ryan, this kid is literally calling this shit the Vanishings, I know your bitter about business being slow but we paid rent this month, so whats the big deal.” Zach complained, the only other employ at her private investigation form, and the source of all her good paying clients. Ex Military who’d 2 million from the lottery after taxes a year ago, and worked cases just to escape the numbing boredome of being in the house. “We’re not all fucking millionares Zach, you still only contribute to half the rent so yes I’m going to take a hunch for Ryan, you act like he hasn’t helped us get some clients before.” “Yeah THREE clients in the past year, geez, but whatever it’s something to today, if anything it’ll finally prove to you that the kid had a few lucky breaks, but any journalist with half a brain could have figured out the shit he did, let’s go, like we’re investigating some random chick who runs a clothing store, because 30 of the missing people complained about her store before they vanished. “Zach shook his head, and took a few more swigs from a heinken he had. Robin scowled at him, Zach definitely had a drinking problem, he wasn’t a stumbling alcoholic but he kept and drank a case everywhere they went even while she was driving. Twenty minutes later they arrived at the house Adora Zayas was renting out, and Zach had walked around to search the perimeters for clues. “No car in the driveway, dosen’t look like anyone’s home. Fuck it.” Looking around at her surroundings and making sure no one was inside, she went ahead and picked the lock making her way inside. The aroma of marijuana filled her nostrils, although it seemed it was from a few hours ago. “Ok, so she’s high on weed, not exactly a crime ugh please don’t let you be wrong Ryan.” [i] Then again all he’s saying is she’s connected to her company who’s connected to people vanishing, even if it’s someone with powers tied to her they could be trying to ruin her reputation, maybe I shouldn’t be in here, if she does come home I’m in the wrong, Zach’s gonna be pissed. [/i] Thoughts of turning back be damned she continued her search to see what else she could uncover and find regarding the situation. There had to be something, besides she was already breaking and entering. As she began to search the downstairs area, she made sure to check for her police badge. Although she’d long since been fired, she’d snagged her badge back the final time she’d left the station. “Strange even though there’s no car here, I don’t here anyone inside, she would have confronted me by now, but it looks like someone was just here.” Curiosity killed the cat, but that didn’t worry her as it seemed the Zayas residence was truly vacant. After a basic walk through of the down stairs premises she walked to the front and peered through the blinds to see if her vehicle was still parked, but raised an eyebrow noticing she didn’t notice Zach anywhere. “This isn’t The Prince of Bel Air’s mansion, where the fuck did he go” [i] He probably left once he saw me break in, but on foot? Zach’s tipsy but he’s lazy, if anything he’d be waiting in the car [/i] She was beginning to feel uneasy about the whole situation and wondered what was really going on. Against her better judgement she whipped out her gun wondering if she’d need it and slightly concerned for her irritating co-worker’s safety. Slowly but surely she headed upstairs, and noticed a room where the pungent cannabis odor originated from. [i]hmmm[/i] [i]Flick...Flick...Flick[/i] Turning her hand super fast she looked around as she heard the sound of a lighter being sparked. Gripping her weapon she walked forward and pushed the door open slowly, the creaking noise it made didn’t help with the situation. “What the fuck is that, I could have sworn I heard a lighter just now.” Looking around the room she noticed there was no one around. The hairs on her arms stood up straight a sudden feeling of unease flowing through her as she felt someone was watching her. Then she heard a scream come from Zach, and instantly turned around her gun in hand. “Who the fuck is here! ZACH!!!? Zach!?” [i] Damn it the one time Ryan is completly right [/i] “I need to get the fuck outta here.” “Robin..where are you going?” Zach’s voice uttered so calm considering the scream she just heard. Robin whipped around but didn’t see Zach, and she felt a growing pit gnawing at her stomach there was something going on. Was that even Zach, what the hell was going on. Having enough she peered outside the window, and her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach, her car...was gone into thin air. “No...No...No...what the fuck.” Stepping back engulfed in fear she tripped and stumbled back hitting the ground. “Fuck!” She tried to pull the trigger of her gun but noticed it wasn’t in her hand. “WHAT?!” Having enough she got up and bolted out of Adora’s room and headed to the stairs car or no car, Zach or no Zach she was getting out of there. She made it all the way down stairs when she felt something grace over her shoulder. She turned around attempting to kick whatever it was but her leg swept through air. “What the fuck…” Turning to the door she saw her gun appear from thin air and drop to the ground in front of the door. Her hands were practically shaking as she was trying to figure out what was going on.”What the fuck is going on?” “You came to see me didn’t you Robin? Come on go get your gun, pick it up. Come on Robin don’t you want to help people? Clearly not you left Zach to die.” Looking around her heart was thumping through her chest, wondering what she walked into she had no response but saw the gun laying on the ground and no one around, then the creepiness was amplified as she heard...Zach speak. “Get the fucking gun! Help me! IT took me! It took me! HELP!!!! Robin please! Fucking help me! GOD DAMN IT HELP!!!! HELP AAAH HELP!!!!” Zach’s voice cried out from nowhere and Robin was on the verge of breaking down, she was a tough woman but this was too much even for her. “FUCK!!!!” Robin screamed and rushed forward to grab her gun only to be kicked into the wall and the gun vanishing again. The Door she’d opened was slammed shut, and Robin was trembling with fear. Suddenly her entire vision was distorted, and warping as she felt strong hands around her neck choking her as well as feeling herself getting weaker. Rapidly her energy was being drained, she felt everything leaving her, hopes, dreams, aspirations, will to leave, her eyes closed and everything went to black. As she came to she felt disoriented but still alive. Looking up she saw none other then Zach and was in disbelief at what she saw. Looking down she screamed there was nothing beneath her, but she wasn’t falling. “What the fuck is going on” Looking it appeared Zach was inside of a microwave, none of this made any sense. As she regained full consciousness she realized where she was. The Kitchen of Adora Zayas, and it appeared she was suspended in mid air or rather walking on air. “No...wait a minute” Putting her foot down hard she realized she was standing on a surface, a surface she couldn’t see and her mind began racing to put answers together, thinking about things she’d seen from both the superhero & horror movie genre. Everything appeared to be so massive, she was standing on some invisible surface, and Zach was in some giant microwave. “ZACH!!!!” She called out to him, but it appeared he couldn’t hear her in the microwave. Then the worst happened a beep was heard, and the microwave turned on. She watched in horror as her friend screamed in pain as the microwave continued and his body imploded into a bloody mess. “HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! OH NO!!!!!” “Oh yes oh yes, yes indeed.” Adora’s voice was heard, and suddenly she materialized going from invisible to visible, and she was massive, a giant compared to her. Looking down she saw she was standing on a massive table that was suddenly visible beneath her. “You...your the bitch, what’s going on...what did you do, you killed Zach, your a fucking monster!” “Name calling won’t you help you little one” Adora said her voice booming causing Adora to wince looking at the massive girl as Adora approached the table. “I must say your energy was delicious, Zach had a much more sour taste, the main reason I put him in the microwave, felt like he just needed to be a little warmer but he couldn’t take the heat.” “No….No…”She was in disbelief about the whole situation invisible tables, things vanishing, her friend being placed in a microwave, and her being minituarized, none of it made any sense, but suddenly it all did. Horrified she reflected back on what Ryan said. [i] People are missing, victims vanishing without a trace, if this woman can control size that’s why there’s no remains the shrinking not to mention the brutal ways she disposes of them [/i] “You shouldn’t be waltzing around my house, snooping you stupid bitch, I hate cops. I had to have a little fun with you, the look on your face, the fear, the beads of sweat coming down your forehead as you looked for answers, and the TERROR flowing through you when your friend got treated no differently then an ice cold lean cuisuine that needed to be thawed out.” “Help us please help HELP!!!” The screams of others, suddenly she noticed Adora had one of her fists enclosed and she lowered her fist to the table and opened it letting two more minimized captives roll out on the table. Two men in uniforms, she recognized them as security guard clothing from the Mall of Georgia. “PLease we were just doing our jobs, we saw her shop lifting we followed her outside, and then the next thing we were here, she’s been threatening to kill us for hours please we.” BOOM! Adora’s foot came down crushing both of them alive. The whole scene occured in slow motion to her, Adora had raised her leg and brought down her bare foot on the guards crushing them alive like bugs. Her jaw dropped as she watched them get flattened under the flesh of her sole, a horrifying crunch heard as they were mashed into bloody post, and an ear defening scream as their lives were snuffed out in a second. At this point Robin burst out into tears, fearing for her life begging and pleading with the woman. “Listen! Listen! You want to know how I got here! Fuck it! I only care about myself! His name is Ryan Coleman, a reporter he.” “Silence you spineless bitch, the one thing I hate more then cops, is a snitch.” Without warning she moved her foot to crush Robin but brought her foot down a few inches away from Robin sparing her from death from a few centimeters away. She raised her foot off the table and put it back on the ground as Robin was hyper-ventilating sobbing. “Please….I’m sorry whatever you want, we can work this out, I’m a police officer, whatever you need I can help you” “What I need is for you to stop getting on my god damn nerves.” Adora picked up the ex cop and walked over to the kitchen sink and flipped a switch turning on her garbage disposal and flashed a wicked smile at her. Robin heard the grinding of the kichen appliance and began shaking nearly seizing a tears rolled down her eyes. “Also your not a cop your an ex cop, a dead ex cop.” She loosened her grip and let Robin fall. “AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!” She screamed for her life as she fell from what felt and in her eyes appeared tobe a massive drop. Within seconds she plunged into the garbage disposal and was violently ripped into pieces, experiencing unbearably excruciating pain as she was ripped apart.