[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=RosyBrown]Zoe Flores[/color], [color=mediumorchid]Christoph Tanner[/color] & [color=HotPink]Aira Rivera[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/61iRm2J.gif[/img][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/0d3fb449ed172a18f554dbfc37220f7c/tumblr_obblvh1Rrt1utakteo1_250.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/NS6qia1.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Rivera Family Home (West Vancouver; Canada). [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Each Other.[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] Reaching her hand out, she turned the flame down. Attention instead drawn by the sound of a commotion, her head gave a light tilt as she honed in on the sounds that were around her. Listening, almost acutely, for something that seemed off, aside from the obvious. It wasn't the girl's parents. That hadn't been a car- she knew, almost intimately, the pur of an engine... the screetch of a tire; hell, even the slaming of a door. This was far from that. Leaving her food on the lowest flame to continue cooking, Zoe reached out. Her fingers curling around the handle of the chefs knife she'd been using earlier. Better be safe than sorry. Silently lowering the knife down to her side as she moved, she took up her half-eaten apple. Bringing it back to her lips, she bit down once more. Chewing on what she had in her mouth as the gap between her and the glass door closed. Her brow raising and lips parting slightly from one another as she caught sight of the scene waiting for her. That... was new. At least, not what she'd been expecting anyway. Flicking the lock, she slid the door across. The night air, not at all uncomfortable or uninviting, hitting her figure as she took a step forward. Her posture relaxed as she leant herself against the frame of the door. [color=RosyBrown]"Oh, I wouldn't worry too much, Papi... I'm sure I'll live."[/color] Startled by the sudden voice, Chris spun on the spot. At least, he tried to. It mostly wound up looking like a pathetic flop, with he leg still trapped. [color=mediumorchid]"Wait, I can explain! I-"[/color] At this point, Chris had managed to fully comprehend what he was looking at. Mouth slightly agape, he gazed at the woman standing in the doorway, completely unclothed besides the paint splotched at random across her skin. For a second, he only stared, speechless at the sight, before suddenly realizing the position he was in and clapping his hands across his eyes. [color=mediumorchid]"I- I mean- you..."[/color] Nawwe... it was so adorable when men got all flustered like that. Chuckling softly to herself, Zoe brought her attention to the apple she held in her hand. Twirling ig for a moment in her fingers before finally, she took another bite. The crunch of the peel something she had always enjoyed listening to as her teeth cut through the fruit. Lingering a few moments longer, she pushed away from where she was leant against the door. Her bare feet tickled by the grass as she closed the gap between her and the stranger that was, without a doubt, one of the worst burglars she'd ever come across. Keeping her legs together - there was no need to fluster him further, though it would have been amusing to watch him squirm - she crouched. The arm of which she held the knife coming across to rest over her bent knees; she tilted her head. Watching him curiously as she finished her mouthful, [color=RosyBrown]"So... something you want to tell me, Papi..? Because you either [i]really[/i] suck at breaking and entering... or you made a wrong turn somewhere."[/color] Chris kept his eyes firmly covered, even as he heard the woman walking towards him. He could feel her proximity as her voice came from much closer than before, and a combination of an overactive imagination and fear of the knife he had seen in her hand robbed him of any semblance of peace. [color=mediumorchid]"No breaking and entering here ma'am, only... uh... entering. Not on purpose though, I tripped."[/color] Pausing for a moment, his mind went into overdrive trying to come up with a believable explanation, and failing. With nothing else left, he decided to go with the truth. [color=mediumorchid]"I tripped... through the wall. I was just out for a walk, and stubbed my toe, and then I fell through the wall and got my leg trapped in the hutch here. You can see my leg sticking out of it, but it's not broken. I swear I didn't mean to be here."[/color] [color=RosyBrown]"..you have powers."[/color] His surprise at her statement almost caused Chris to drop his hands. Almost. [color=mediumorchid]"Powers? Sure, I suppose you could call them that if you were feeling generous. I haven't felt very powerful recently, more like I'm trapped in my own house."[/color] About to say more, Chris shut his mouth, realizing he was starting to spill his life story to a naked woman in a house he had just broken into. [color=mediumorchid]"I just have to wait to phase out again, then I can get up and get out of your hair. I really didn't mean to intrude."[/color] [color=RosyBrown]"Break it. I'm sick of living in that thing anyway."[/color] [color=mediumorchid]"Are you sure? I- wait living in? The rabbit hutch?"[/color] [color=RosyBrown]"You didn't think you were the only one with abilities now, did you..?"[/color] Shooting him a wink, she stood to her full height. Casting a look around the rest of the yard, her attention was eventually brought back to him. Her hip jutting out as she leant her weight over a single side' the hand holding the knife reaching out slightly as she motioned for him to get moving, [color=RosyBrown]"Rápida. Come on, move it so we go inside. I have food on the stove. And be thankful it was me that found you instead of the niña. She has a set of lungs on her, I'll tell you that..."[/color] [color=mediumorchid]"Y-yeah, right."[/color] Removing his hands from his eyes, but being careful not to look too closely at the still extremely naked woman standing nearby, Chris placed his free foot against the wood next to his trapped leg, but just as he was about to push down and free himself, his body fizzed again and his foot fell through. Not wasting a second, he rolled free as his body returned to normal, carefully standing up and brushing himself off. [color=mediumorchid]"Right, that worked out I suppose."[/color] As he tried to get his bearings, the last thing the woman had said caught up with him. [color=mediumorchid]"Wait, niña? You have a daughter?"[/color] Quirking her brow, a smile playing over her naturally pouted lips, Zoe motioned down at herself with the hand that held the apple. The knife held down at her side in a non-threatening mannor, [color=RosyBrown]"..does this body look like I've had a kid..? No, the girl isn't mine. I'm just here to watch over her."[/color] [color=mediumorchid]"To be fair, I've been doing my best not to look to closely at your body. I'm afraid I'd catch fire if I did. Bare minimum, I'd lose the ability to speak."[/color] And Chris had, in fact, been trying, but some part of him couldn't resist taking a peak every now and then, despite his better judgement. [color=RosyBrown]"Why..? Clearly I don't mind."[/color] [color=mediumorchid]"I prefer to keep my wits about me when invading another person's home. For the life of me I can't remember why though."[/color] Chris was fully aware that he was rambling at this point, and tried to steer the topic back into safer waters. [color=mediumorchid]"But you're cooking you said. Not a good idea to leave a flame unattended, I'll just... see myself out."[/color] [color=RosyBrown]"Get inside and sit your ass down at the bench, Papi. You look skinny enough that next time you fade, you'll fade away."[/color] Rolling her eyes, Zoe turned her back to him. Her hips once again swinging in time with her steps as she led the way into the house and in turn, the kitchen. Finding himself unable to argue, Chris simply followed the woman, trying his very best to keep his eyes above her neckline. [color=mediumorchid]"Um, I'm... Chris. Christoph."[/color] [color=RosyBrown]"Zoe."[/color] Rounding the bench once she'd reached it, she placed the knife down over the chopping board that she'd been using earlier. Instead replacing it with a wooden spoon as she leant over the pan. Giving the rice held inside a rough shake and a quick stir to make sure none of it was burnt before turning away again. Going through the cupboard to collect two bowls and the fridge to collect a couple of beers before returning to him. Turning off the flame once she was satisfied, she separated the rather quickly made fried rice into the two bowls. Slipping the now empty pan into the sink as she pushed one of the bowls towards him. Eventually handing him a fork as well, [color=RosyBrown]"Zoe Flores."[/color] Chris gave a small smile as he took the fork, finally deciding he'd better just roll with whatever was going on right now. [color=mediumorchid]"Well, Zoe, I can't say I do this often, but I'm pretty sure fried rice isn't the usual response to a break in. Especially when one is looking after a child."[/color] [color=RosyBrown]"True... but my madre would kill me if I were to let you out of the house without eating. Besides... this isn't a normal situation. And she isn't a normal child."[/color] [color=mediumorchid]"Another powered person? What are the chances of that?"[/color] He took a bite of the food in front of him and chewed thoughtfully, his eyes no longer focused for the moment. [color=RosyBrown]"Yeah... she's a special little girl alright..."[/color] Chris snapped out of his contemplation and looked at Zoe, before immediately averting his eyes again. Standing up, he tugged on his collar a bit. [color=mediumorchid]"Well, uh, thank you for the food. It was... good, but I should really be going and let you get back to... whatever it was... you were doing. Before."[/color] [color=RosyBrown]"Eating. Alone. Like always."[/color] Her dark eyes meeting and holding his, her expression was different. Softer like her voice as she explained to him what she had been doing before he had, for lack of better words, stumbled right into her life, [color=RosyBrown]"..I'll have a shower... order groceries online for delivery tomorrow because Aira can't go shopping, and I can't leave her on her own... then I'll take whatever I can find that's left in the fridge, and I'll make her breakfast... lunch... and dinner; because she doesn't know how to cook yet. She's only eight years old. I'll then watch over her while she sleeps- keep an eye on her in case she gets up to draw or paint again. I'll sit on the edge of the bed, and I'll once again become her pet rabbit. I'll probably only get about an hour or two of sleep myself before she wakes up to another day. Alone in this big house. With no one to look after her..."[/color] Chris swallowed as he stood there, no longer avoiding looing at her. Slowly, he sat back down, wondering if he was really going to stay. His mouth made the decision for him. [color=mediumorchid]"On second thought, I don't have anything to do tonight. Or tomorrow, or really ever. I could... keep you company."[/color] [color=RosyBrown]"..gracias..."[/color] Lingering where she was for a moment, movement caught the corner of her eye, and she turned her head to follow it. Her lips parting slightly from one another, Zoe didn't bother to utter a single word before she was on the move. Her body rounding the bench for the forth time so far that night, her bare feet barely made a sound over the timber flooring as she made her way down the hall, [color=RosyBrown]"..Aira..."[/color] Confused at Zoe's sudden departure, Chris lagged only a second behind, wondering if he should be following her deeper into the house or just staying put. Slowing as she reached a half open door, a little hesitant and feeling her heart already beginning to break, Zoe paused. Glancing back over her shoulder at Chris - by God, what he was going to think of all this... she was used to it, but him..? - the glance lasted only a few moments before she turned back to the door. Her hand finally reaching the wood, she pushed it open. Slowly stepping in and out of the way so Chris could join her as her dark gaze settled on the young girl. The sound of her hands over the walls was muffled; and all that filled the decent sized bedroom apart from the gentle stream of light that streamed in through the window. At least, that was until the door was opened, and light flooded the room from the hallway. Allowing the two other figures to be able to see as they stepped into the bedroom. But it was as though the girl hadn't heard. Focussed instead on what she was doing. Her soft lips parted in concentration, she seemed completely unaware that she even had company. Her normally dark chocolate brown eyes no longer, instead glazed over a milky white as she stared at the blank spaces as though they were nothing more than a canvas; her paint covered fingers working quickly to fill in the gaps. How many nights had she spent standing in front of the wall..? Fingers covered in paint, or hands clutching hold of a pencil, crayon or marker... There were paintings and drawing everywhere. Littered all about the room. On the walls... on the floor- in everything from crayon to paint, pencil to brightly colored marker. Each addition only helping to ruin yet another layer of wall paper in such a short amount of time, her parents had given up and instead had just left her to her own devices. And why not if it had benifit..? What was the point in having a daughter who could provide you with the future if you couldn't use that information to get ahead in life..? Stepping back from the wall, Aira turned. Her knees hitting the ground and her body hunched over itself as her hands once more hit the paint that was smeared over the floorboards. The girl pausing only long enough for her to look back over her shoulder at the wall. Watching on as the blank white spaces seemed to darken before bursting to life with swirling color- lines forming. Making the picture whole, though only in her own eyes. Standing back up, she hurried back over to the wall. Her hands pressing against it once again so that she could continue her art, but instead, she froze in place. Her head stooping for a moment, she turned attention from side to side; the whites of her eyes seeming to stare right through the woman before flicking across to settle upon the man. [color=HotPink]“..did you come to draw with me..?”[/color] Chris stood in the doorway, almost in awe of what he was seeing. The girl didn't seem to be in control as she painted, more like a brush than an artist. As she smeared paint across the walls, he realized this must have something to do with her power. [color=mediumorchid]"I... would love to draw with you. What are you drawing?"[/color] Chris took a step further into the room, looking at Zoe from the corner of his eye to judge her reaction. Part of him wanted to help this girl through whatever episode she was having, but if Zoe tried to stop him he would back off. Shifting slightly on the spot, Zoe kept where she was. Watching carefully as Chris stepped forward to interact with Aira, she didn't even try to stop him. Always unsure of what she could do in situations like this. Her intense gaze lingering on him a moment longer, strong; almost as if she were staring into his very soul, Aira turned back to the unfinished painting on the wall in front of her. It wasn't the first... and it was more than clear by the state of the room that it wasn't going to be the last either. Pictures of gloom... of happiness... one of a woman, frantic and screaming as a large hand with pink nails held her over what looked like a blender; while another showed a man, relaxed and stuffing his mouth full of popcorn. A smile on his face. There were pictures of things that had happened... of things that were yet to come. Though just [i]when[/i] these predictions were to happen wasn't always so clear; even to the little girl who once more had her fingers gliding over the wall. Taking the image she was seeing, and putting it on the wall so that others could see it as well, [color=HotPink]"..the bad lady..."[/color] [color=mediumorchid]"The bad lady..."[/color] Chris muttered, crouching down low to the ground. Placing his hands in the paints like the girl had, he brought them up to look at for a moment. [color=mediumorchid]"Alright little one,"[/color] he said, standing up, [color=mediumorchid]"Where do you want me to help?"[/color] [color=HotPink]"..she lets it all burn..."[/color]