[centre][img]https://i.postimg.cc/G2LsJNVr/Uzanian-Rifles-Insignia.png[/img] [@Katthaj][@Oak7ree][@FrostedCaramel][@CaptainBritton][@Jamesyco][@caliban22][/centre] Hasenkamp took off his cap momentarily, wiping one hand over the sweat-slicked hairline and squinting at the trees below. With something of a sigh, and acknowledging the Sergeants advice with a curt smile and nod of his head, the Second-Lieutenant raised his monocular to his eye and took a moment more before giving another nod. "[i]Richtig[/i]..." Turning to glance quickly at his platoon, Hasenkamp lifted his voice enough to be heard, but not enough for anyone positioned within the trees to hear. "I will take a team into the woods and recon, the remainder of the platoon will remain at the treeline should we need to be reinforced or extracted." Leisurely replacing his cap he took a half-squat position and threw out names. "With me - Sergeant Baumeister, Corporal Kovacs, Operator Mehl, and Jägers Varren, Ivers, Heinrich, Müller, Aafje, Běla and Dolph." The remainder of the platoon was seperated off, equal numbers of under-officers and two vox operators left with the 'back up' section, as the Lieutenant rose back to his feet and bid his recon team follow. [hr] [hr] The forest wasn't all that thick in trees, but it was layered in moss and the footing was generally uneven wherever one stepped, so a serious caution and general slowness was required by the advancing infantry squad as they honed in on the source of the recieved distress call. As they drew closer the scenes of battle became all that more obvious - debris of war strewn through the bush in the form of flak armour, weapons, patches of blood as well as hefty plumes of oily smoke rising in the distance - there was thus far no sound of conflict, no cracks of las-rounds and no screams of death. "Form up, single line, weapons primed." Hasenkamp hissed the order to those following as he drew out his laspistol and chainsword from its sheath at his hip, drawing his long stride down to a half-walk even as his heartbeat began to quicken in his ears, and his breath matched that rythmn. What greeted them as they made their way to the edge of the clearing was a rather quizzical scene. Yes, there were a number of Chimera APCs that had been gutted by heavy-calibre weapons, and yes there were obvious signs of battle... but there were no bodies, not of the attackers nor of the Vanquishers. From the number of transports there must have been at least a couple of hundred Faeburners [i]in situ[/i] to their new position, arranged in a standard column but unlikely to have sent out any flankers. Taken unawares in a foreign land, by a force unknown, they had doubtless stood little chance. "Spread out but keep within visual, see if you can find anything." [hider=Please Read]Roight! Here we are, there are numerous pieces of equipment about, clear signs of battle but no corpses of friend or foe. Now if you do wish to find something or some[i]one[/i] then we can discuss that in the OOC, by PM or over Discord depending - until then, feel free to develop.[/hider]