[hider=Primarch][center][h1]Ajax Salamus[/h1] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODI0YjI0YzMtNjIyMy00ZWRiLTljNzEtZTI4YzU2MGI4ODY1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTAwNTEwNTE4._V1_UY317_CR130,0,214,317_AL_.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance:[/b] Ajax's face is brutish and strong, with deep set piercing blue eyes and an almost permanent scowl. The top of his head is kept perfectly shaved while his face is decorated with a well trimmed goatee. If there is anything else that truly draws the eye on his face it is his scars, several large scars cutting down over the dome of his head, and several more on his cheeks and chin bisecting his face in irregular lines. If it bothers him, he does not show it. Ajax is a large man even by Primarch standards, his body honed to perfection by a life dedicated to little else besides battle. His chest is massive and broad, muscles standing in stark contrast straining against his stressed skin. His arms are thick with corded muscle, his legs massive and bulging with strength. Looking at him even free from his armour, there is only one word that springs to mind. Power. [b]Psyker Status:[/b] N/A [b]Life and Times:[/b] The life of Ajax was not an easy one, but who truly in this universe has an early life? No one on New Troy that is for sure, that is unless you were one of the few thousand elites ruling over of a massively overpopulated hive planet. Ajax was not one of the ruling elite. Not for a long time. No instead he landed deep in the depths of the hive world. On New Troy life is cheap, the lower levels are dominated by gangs warring over even the most basic of resources. Cannibals. And thrill kill gangs from the higher reaches that get their rocks off slaughtering those with little hope of fighting back. Every day was a fight for your life. Even for a Primarch. With the city planet being so overpopulated the ruling elite came up with a novel way of keeping the masses entertained while doing their part in keeping the population down. Death games. The Death games were not a singular event nor game, no they consisted of Gladiator duels, pitched mass battles with blade or bullet or both. Death Races on every vehicle imaginable. Some volunteered eyes set on an easier life full of riches and glory, most were captured and pressed into the games with no hope of every getting out alive. Ajax was among those enslaved and pressed into the Death games. But he defied the name and refused to die. He dominated the Gladiator games, led his team to constant victory and glory in the pitched battles and achieved victories that defied reality in the death races. He saw both the best and worst of humanity on these fields of battle. And the source of what was worst on the field? It all came from above. Those that would never bloody their hands if there was any chance the blood spilling to the sand would be their own. He saw them in all of their greed, all of their cowardice,their cruelty and their hubris. There was only one true course of action. Revolt. It started off small, a coordinated uprising of all the various death game stables. Claiming guns, vehicles, swords, knives anything they could get their hands on that would allow them to fight against their oppressors. From their it grew onto a full blown revolution with Ajax's face the symbol. A symbol that was more often than not seen leading from the front. The population of the planet was devastated in the decades long war. Those at the top press ganging those below them into service, those not press ganged or recruited rising up from the bowels of the planet. Eventually the nukes fell, but by then it was too late. Ajax had overthrown an oppressive regime and all it had cost was 75% of the planets population. From there societal reconstruction was on the top of Ajax's priority list. It was a civilisation that was now guided to venerate the values that Ajax had come to view as the most vital during his time in the arena. Honour, glory, responsibility and the value of life not to be thrown away pointlessly. The games that he both loved and despised were remoulded into a crucible. They were no longer battles to the death but instead a venerated tradition to prove your skill and demonstrate your virtues. Those who fought their way through the Crucible would find themselves facing Ajax himself. A man that towers over his closest rival. If they could battle him for a full minute without surrendering they would be inducted into his personal guard and serve as an example of all those around them. It was a time of rebirth for the planet. The population now small enough to be properly supported finding out who they were in a world were survival was not the only goal. Then came the Emperor of Mankind descending into the arena like some warrior god, too bright for most to even set their eyes upon. Ajax met him on the field of honour. The Emperor lasted for far more than a minute and finally when the battle came to an end it was Ajax that was cast to the sand. It was not enough to earn his eternal service but it was a start. From there it was on the Emperor to prove that he was everything he seems to be. [b]Ideology:[/b] Ajax hates the pointless loss of life that is rife in the universe, he looks at the great crusade as a way to unite the universe and end pointless wars. He has a strong distaste for aliens as they stand in the way of universal unification. He has a lesser dislike of psykers as he sees them as dishonourable and lacking in the traits he values above all others. He also does not like the aberration if humanity that they seem to represent. [b]Wargear:[/b] Ajax's wargear is shaped entirely by the method of warfare he has adopted as his own. Shock and awe combined with guerrilla tactics against key targets and targets of opportunity. His primary weapons are his gauntlets, mastercrafted weapons gifted to him by the finest weaponsmiths of the Empire that he now calls his home on the Emperor of Mankinds direct orders and to his precise specifications. The combined power fist, heavy storm bolter combo is a sickening combination in the close quarters he favours. The blistering rate of fire of the four separate bolter barrels more than enough to scythe down even the toughest of foes in close combat and his power fists capable of crushing even the heaviest of armour. His Storm bolters aside from using the heavier heavy bolter round use highly specialised ammo, pressed individually by the specialist ammo crafters of his chapter for use in his heavy storm bolters and by chosen champions of the chapter as they are incredibly hard to produce in large numbers. The rounds are designed with a shaped adamantium head allowing them to penetrate through thick armour very similar to other penetration rounds. However there is a second function that makes them far deadlier. Once the round punctures through armour a secondary explosion detonates inside the shell and throws flechettes. This reaction caused heavy metal darts around the inside of lightly armoured vehicles or shred the internals of heavily armoured infantry. Other than that he is equipped with an expertly crafted jumpjet capable of lifting his great weight through the air. However his is modified so that it produces less sound than other similar models allowing him to move without his position being immediately identified. Others of his chapter have similarly modified jumpjet however they lack the artificer quality of his own. [b]Other:[/b] Anything that doesn't fit into a specific section, but bare's talking about. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Legion][center][h1]Legion Name[/h1] [img]http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm/bpe=261C1C&bpj=03400B&bp=261C1C&bpc=03400B&hdt=261C1C&hdm=03400B&hdl=03400B&ey=910909&er=261C1C&pi=261C1C&nk=261C1C&ch=03400B&eg=261C1C&sk=4F3737&abs=261C1C&bt=03400B&cod=03400B&ull=03400B&lk=03400B&lll=261C1C&lft=261C1C&url=261C1C&rk=261C1C&lrl=03400B&rft=261C1C&slt=03400B&sli=261C1C&srt=261C1C&sri=03400B&ula=03400B&lel=261C1C&lla=03400B&lw=261C1C&lh=03400B&ura=03400B&rel=261C1C&rla=261C1C&rw=03400B&rh=03400B&bg=FFFFFF&rb=261C1C&gr=261C1C&wg=true&dm3=true&jmp=261F1F&/spacemarine.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Legion Number:[/b] XIII [b]Legion Strength:[/b] 40,000 Adeptus Astartes supported by 2,000,000 Imperial Soldiers. First Battalion- 3100 Adeptus Astartes, 500 Javelin Attack Speeders, 500 Assault Bikes, 100 Contemptor-Incaendius Class Dreadnoughts. Second Battalion- 3100 Adeptus Astartes,500 Javelin Attack Speeders, 500 Assault Bikes Third Battalion- 3100 Adeptus Astartes,500 Javelin Attack Speeders, 500 Assault Bikes Fourth Battalion- 3100 Adeptus Astartes,500 Javelin Attack Speeders, 500 Assault Bikes Fifth Battalion- 3100 Adeptus Astartes,500 Javelin Attack Speeders, 500 Assault Bikes Sixth Battalion- 3100 Adeptus Astartes,500 Javelin Attack Speeders, 500 Assault Bikes Seventh Battalion- 3100 Adeptus Astartes,500 Javelin Attack Speeders, 500 Assault Bikes Eighth Battalion- 3100 Adeptus Astartes,500 Javelin Attack Speeders, 500 Assault Bikes Ninth Battalion- 3100 Adeptus Astartes,500 Javelin Attack Speeders, 500 Assault Bikes Tenth Battalion- 3100 Adeptus Astartes,500 Javelin Attack Speeders, 500 Assault Bikes Eleventh Battalion- 3100 Adeptus Astartes,500 Javelin Attack Speeders, 500 Assault Bikes Twelfth Battalion- 3100 Adeptus Astartes,500 Javelin Attack Speeders, 500 Assault Bikes Thirteenth Battalion-3100 Adeptus Astartes, 1,180,000 Imperial Army in support. 500 Baneblades, 250 Hellhammers, 5000 Carnodon Main Battle tanks, 150 Land Raiders, 100 FellBlades, 50 Typhon Heavy Siege tanks, 500 Rhino Transports, 100 Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought, 100 Dreadnaughts, 100 Whirlwind Support Tanks, 5000 Basilisk Artillery Platforms, 1000 Medusa Siege Tank, 200 Predators, 10,000 Sentinal Walkers. There is also a reserve Cadre of assorted vehicles able to be assigned to the individual Battalions as needs must. Not all battlefields can be taken to with only an assortment of light vehicles and Infantry. [b]Favoured Legion Tactics:[/b] The Thirteenth Legion is an odd legion in that they often win the war by participating in as few battles as possible. This does not mean however that they try to win the war with one decisive battle pitching one titanic army against the other. No quite the opposite. The Thirteenth Legion fights using guerrilla tactics and carefully coordinated strikes designed as chaos. They heavily favour close combat and shock and awe tactics using infantry portable heavy weapons they engage quickly and without mercy using jump jets to close as swiftly as possible to the enemy giving them no time to form a proper fighting line or organise tactics against the sudden assault. They target key strategic targets vital to an ongoing war effort. They strike at water reservoirs, ration and food depots, key manufacturing areas, bridges and other vital links in the chain of the enemy supply lines. There is an old saying that an army fights on its stomach. And the Thirteenth Legion excels in making sure that the enemy has nothing to fight on. However this tactic works best when the enemy has something to focus on, something that requires their attention and simply cannot be ignored. And this is where the armies assigned to the 13th company come into play. The supporting armies of the 13th company vary from those of other Space Marine chapters in one key way, in the 13th they hold the more significant portion of the heavy vehicles and support elements such as artillery. This is key to the 13th company strategy as the assigned armies deploy defence in depth with absolutely shattering firepower while employing Blitzkreig attacks at sections of the enemies front weakened by the actions of the marines behind enemy lines. Ensuring that the enemy is kept on their toes and in a constant state of turmoil. The supporting companies are lead by the 13th battalion of the 13th chapter. Notable in that they shy far away from their brothers method of battle, fielding a far larger number of heavy weapons and a very large section of the chapters total heavy armour. The end goal of all this is a simple one. Rob the enemy of everything they need to keep fighting. Sap their morale and press them to surrender. And if it all comes down to the wire at the end? Crush them when they are at their weakest and the 13th is at its strongest. [b]Legion Leadership:[/b] The Legion leadership is organised in a rather standard manner however due to the military flexibility required by their manner of warfare. Each Battalion is organised into hundred man sections each lead by a Centurion who is in charge of organising those hundred men into individual sections under the command of his lieutenants. For every ten Centurions is a Millennia that coordinates between the Centurion commanders to achieve peak performance from all units. Above them is the Battalion master and then of course the Primarch himself. [b]Notable Legion Members:[/b] [b]Myrmex[/b]-Master of the First Company and the Legions Champion. Myrmex is a nearly peerless warrior outside of the primarchs themselves. He is a level headed warrior who is nevertheless savage in combat, always leading from the front and refusing to engage his men in any conflict that he himself would not leap into. He is greatly respected by the men under his command, of there is any complaint to be said of the man it is that he is too level headed coming off as cold to some under his command. He utilises a beautifully crafted suit of terminator armour with an incorporated short ranged teleporter unit, a gauntlet mounted storm bolter and a thunder hammer to savage effect. [b]Antiphus[/b]-The great leader of the 13th Company. Antiphus has a singular reputation amongst his legion. He is stern, stalwart and fierce beyond measure. An incredibly hard man to please, it is known that the slightest tilt of his head in your direction is the equivalent of a crown of laurels being placed upon your head. And the stubborn proud men of the 13th would have it no other way. His relic crafted terminator armour gives him the armour of a tank, standing next to Dreadnaughts as an equal. his Mastercrafted Autocannons scythe through Infantry and vehicles alike. [b]Trunnion[/b]- Trunnion is not a leader of a company, nor is he the the greatest warrior of the legion. No instead he serves as an adviser and confidant to the Primarch himself and is most often seen by his side both inside of combat and outside of it. He was one of the last survivors of the war to topple the tyrannical government alongside the primarch, and upon the Emperors coming was one of the first to be uplifted into the ranks of the Astartes to stand alongside his brother in arms once more. He is greatly loved and respected amongst the rank and file of the Astartes. In combat he equips himself in much the same manner as the men he fights alongside utilising a jump pack, power sword and standard pattern bolter. [b]Inspirations:[/b] The Colosseum of Rome, The Spartacus Rebellion and select influences from the Story of Troy. [b]Assigned Armies:[/b] During the Great Crusade, Legions rarely travelled by themselves. They would create armies from those worlds that they conquered to use as shocktroopers or line-holders. Feel free to go nuts with this. [b]Other:[/b] Anything i have forgotten. [/hider]