Sylvia smiled at Shortfang's answer, before sitting back down. It was then that Shortfang spoke. She listened to him attentively, and she came to realize that he had been talking about the first camp, and how Garruk had tricked him into stealing Mariam's items. Never had Sylvia looked back on a fight and felt glad that she gave her opponent some good strikes until now. Thinking back on the situation made her wonder if the hunter knew the whole situation to begin with and that was why he pointed her to Shortfang... Then he got to his point. She could hear the defeat in his words. When he asked, she decided to answer, "We can't make decisions for other people, and bringing peace between humans and kobolds is not a change that can happen overnight. I think the best thing we can do for the tribe is to just help them out as much as we can. We just need to take it one step at a time. For now, we can focus on Green Eyes before turning our attention onto the trogs and Red Stain, and then talking with the Grey Scales," She then added thoughtfully, "They said the trog problem was caused by humans....If I asked the Grey Scales how so, then maybe I could talk to Duke Erod about it and make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again," She then realized something and she looked to Shortfang while pointing out, "They're not the only ones who have grown stronger. I think you have a bit of magic of your own, Shortfang," She directed her gaze at Syfr and she pointed out, "Befriending an owl and somehow being able to know what he sees while he's flying ahead...that's not a small feat,"