Meesei had not anticipated being greeted so quickly, though she supposed it did make some sense. Hircine would have had control over where the portal arrived, and any lycan souls he wished to dedicate to the invasion would have needed to be in approximately the right location. Though, she wondered if it had just been chance that Jerrick had been in just the right place, or if he had earned the privilege of being among the first to meet them? When summoned from another plane, souls on Tamriel appeared ethereal, and were not always entirely corporeal. However, being in a plane of Oblivion was another matter entirely. Jerrick's body, and those of any of the other lycan souls around them, were just as "real" as those of Meesei's pack. There was much that Meesei, Ahnasha, and likely some of the others would have like to say, but in this instance, Jerrick and Vera deserved their moment together. Among the other lycans present, they too were allowing Jerrick his chance to reunite with his wife, though the majority of their focus was upon Meesei. Several stepped closer, though not in a manner that seemed threatening, but rather more curious. A werevulture flew down from one of the trees and landed nearby, quickly shifting into the form of a Bosmer. It seemed like a physical transformation, but was almost effortless, even moreso than Meesei's transformations with the Ring of Hircine. That did not necessarily imply perfect control over the mind of the beast, but rather that transformations themselves were fundamentally different for a lycan spirit. For now, Jerrick was still Meesei's focus, though she did also notice the approach of another lycan she did not recognize. She was a Khajiit woman with mostly black fur. She did not seem to be a different form of Khajiit than Ahnasha, but she had teeth and claws far more ferocious than any Khajiit Meesei had seen before. She still wore furs and hides, but they were well-kept and almost regal in appearance. Most notable was the fact that, as soon as they noticed her, other lycans moved from her path and seemed to bow slightly before her.