[hr][hr] [center][h1]The Blathriin-Va.[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [b]Location: The Blathriin-Va.[/b] [center][b]Star Date: Unknown.[/b][/center] [right][b]Communications: N/A.[/b][/right] Mihraan let out a small sigh as she stared through the semi-transparent casing of the sleeper pod, the white lights embedded in its walls dimly illuminating a small collection of items. An ornate looking rifle with a cracked scope, a small steel encased pad, the screen of which was blank, and a palm-sized crystal octagon covered with a strange cobalt blue liquid that had long since hardened into a thick crust. "Never gets any easier does it?" Mihraan nodded, casting a quick glance in Lathoor's direction as he approached. "And the worst part is-" Lathoor continued, peering into the pod alongside her. "-he didn't even have to die. We could have left that hell hole of a world and come back later with an entire fleet to bombard it from orbit..." "Lathoor, when will you let this go?" Mihraan asked, letting out an exasperated sigh as she gestured to the alcove. "Do you really think this is how Xi'ir would want to be remembered? With a grudge held against the choices our captain made?" Lathoor sighed, his face tubes expanding slightly. "No, I don't suppose he would. But that doesn't excuse Yiithren for his actions. Oh sure he claims he's learned, claims he cares about us, but deep down, I think he's still just as cold as he was when Admiral Kost first appointed him." Mihraan stared at him for a few minutes, before shifting her gaze back to the items in the sealed pod. "I disagree, but I know arguing with you is pointless. You're too stubborn to listen." Turning away from Lathoor, Mihraan quickly shambled down the corridor before disappearing round a corner as she returned to her post to wait for Yiithren, Kurqruik, and Strevrols to return from their meeting with the commanders of the other ships, leaving the Va's navigation specialist standing before his comrades grave alone, bitter memories of a failed mission and a friend lost his only company.