Pylia nodded. "First, we'll need to find Green Eyes to secure the home front here. From the sounds of things, the trogs don't think the kobolds can survive much longer thanks to their sheer numbers, but they also don't know we're here. They must be sending all of their forces here, which means that they don't have many guarding whatever is their homebase. Once we shore up the defenses, we can then strike the heart of the trogs, their leader Red Stain, and find proof of the cults involvement there." Shortfang had a thought and raised his hand. "If we take break now, Shortfang can send Syfr to find dwarf guards? Maybe they help, if cult here." Pylia nods to this idea as well. "That would be the best for us. I'll continue making some potions for us while Shortfang tries to get the Shor and his men here. If they come on their own, the kobolds might think they're an enemy." Shortfang nods and gives you and Pylia two thumbs up. "Believe in Shortfang! Shortfang go join kobnolds outside, send Syfr, get dwarf guards, then we get their help!" Just as he says this, Skinwalker steps over holding some wooden bowls. In the bowls were meatball soup. She smiles and looks at everyone. "Eat!"