Sylvia nodded in agreement with Pylia. She then looked at Shortfang when he suggested sending Syfr to get the guards and she nodded answering him with a smile, "Great idea, Shortfang!" She then had a thought on that idea, and she added to Shortfang's idea, "I have an idea, to make sure that Shor and the other guards do follow Syfr and don't get confused. I don't think Syfr can what if we wrote a message to them, explaining what's going on a little bit, ask for their help, and Syfr can deliver that to them before leading them back to the sewers?" She had to admit...she might have gotten that idea from Harry Potter. It wasn't long before Skinwalker came back with the meatball soup. She accepts the meatball soup and she thanks Skinwalker politely before eating just the soup. She was carefully and trying to be subtle in avoiding the meat. She didn't want to offend Skinwalker, and she knew that the meatballs were from rat...