“Oh, better idea than Shortfang.” He took his bowl and happily ate his good. Pylia took a bowl and ate as well, hesitant about yeh meat ball. Seeing you trying to avoid them, Pylia takes one for the team and tries some. They weren’t... Bad. “Mhmm.... Somewhat gamey, but the bones give it a slight crunchy texture. And... There’s a hint of fish. Some sort of white fish?” Shortfang nods. “Meatballs made with all meat!” Fortunately for you, Shortfang did a good job distracting his mother from noticing you avoiding the food. Additionally Buddy was also given some food which he “ate” by pouring it down a chute behind his gorget. When you finished the part of the soup that wasn’t meat, which was mostly mushrooms and sea weed, Buddy would take your food and eat it as well, leaving nothing behind. After eating, Shortfang would send Syfr off with your letter. Pylia would stay at his place and try and make some potions. Buddy stayed nearby ready to assist. Shortfang himself went to help bolster the guards outside. This would allow you time to meditate at your leisure, and afterwards you’d still have time to do whatever it is you feel like doing, at least until help arrives.