Sorry for not responding here sooner. Thank you sooo much for answering and confirming all that! I like the reason behind the hunters not attacking the place. And fantastic regarding the defenses! So, I struggled with my last post. Among other reasons (the muse went on strike for me. Musta given the wrong offering or something xD) I had been trying to figure out whether or not you were trying to imply you were hoping she would notice what was going on behind her or not. Honestly, I should have just asked if you were trying to give a nudge toward that with the comments about her finding out anyway, but apparently I was in a mood and, obviously, didn't. *Rolls eyes exasperatedly at self.* Anyway, your last post did make me question that. So! Regardless, because of her recent supernatural encounter, she'd wind up leaving the afterparty and not wanting him to follow. Too fresh in her mind for her to consider hanging with a vampire at the moment, no matter how harmless he's been. She'd leave with different reactions since she wouldn't have the concern about other creatures, but it wouldn't be difficult to make a couple tweaks to take that out without ultimately voiding yours! Sorry for not asking about that in the first place! :-/