Her hand waved, flapping in the air next to her, [color=#FFE58F]”No no no, I’m fine, I’m… Well… Perhaps so, yes.”[/color] She chuckled miserably, [color=#FFE58F]”I think I may have been a bit too early declaring that I wasn’t feeling sick yet.”[/color] She was suddenly regretting half of her dinner being Dango, but she’d never let Rhaq’a know that. She’d never hear the end of it. She could only play the [color=#FFE58F][i]It was a random craving![/i][/color] card so many times. She held onto his arm, making her way with him to the beach. Some salt air should help her feel better. If not, at least it was pretty and romantic! Besides, she always found it sweet when Rhaq’a voluntarily stopped work for a few moments to dote on her. She did the same for him, but it was always nice when it flowed both ways. She wasn’t accustomed to being doted on, but Rhaq’a had definitely taught her to love it!