[center][h3]Father Thomas[/h3][/center] [hr] It was 2am when Matins started, Father Thomas was roused from the sleep that over took him while he was in the chapel. Hours of prayer will do that to you. Thomas' knees hurt but the thoughts had stopped for now. He prayed the office with the Brother, his Latin was not what it was when he used it daily. After the service, one of the brothers took him to a confessional. This was strange as this was a time of silence and the only talking allowed was for critical things. So, being brought to a confessional was strange. Thomas made the sign of the cross and kissed the Christ on his Rosary and entered. They had brought him to the confessor's side of the booth. As he entered a man started, "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It has been four days since my last confession." Thomas replied, "Continue my Son with your confession." Through the opening in the privacy wall, a package was passed. The man whispered, "This is what you are to pick up. Do not open it. Say one Rosary before you exit or you will not be safe." Then the man said, "For these things I am heartfully sorry." Thomas gave him the standard penance. The man thanked him then left. Thomas spent the twenty minutes praying the rosary, then left the booth and headed for his room. In the morning, Before breakfast he got a call from Vincent that it was time to head back. With two fresh Carmel rolls, two cups of coffee, a backpack with two old illuminated books that he carried in his arms. He waited for Vincent to arrive. When the truck arrived, he noticed that it was riding low again. He handed up the coffee and roll, then put his stuff and climbed in. He showed Vincent the Illuminated books in Latin. The first was a was a missal, in Latin, for the offices. It was new, and one of the brother's had noticed his Latin was getting rusty. So this was a gift. The brother who illuminated the book had spent months working on the book. The other was a prayer book that was older, wrapped in leather. The second was near priceless due to its age and condition. Thomas read through the Missal, as they drove. About an hour into the drive back a semi truck loaded with metal pipes had a securing band break causing pipes to roll from the bed as the truck and start falling on the passing lane and shoulder of the express way. Instinctively, Thomas put his hands up to protect his face. As he did this, his powers activated. Fueled by fear, the heavy pipes lifted and flipped to the shoulders of the road away from cars. As on pipe floated slowly in the air, Thomas watched in amazement then mentally flicked it to the side of the road too. Vincent got the truck to a stopped and off to the side of the road, they noticed that none of the pipes that came loose had hit any of the vehicles. Vincent let out a string of expletives, and Thomas' response to Vincent was that his guardian angel must be watching out for him. Thomas was in shock of being able to move pipes like they were nothing more than tooth picks. A little after Noon, Thomas was dropped off at the cathedral and delivered the precious book to the Bishop's office. The rest of his stuff he put away in his apartment and headed to the store.