As they went on, searching for Green Eyes and notably having a difficult time doing so, Sylvia couldn't help but comment to herself, "Should've watched more of Steve Irwin's shows when I was kid..." As they seemed to have entered deep into trog territory, Sylvia kept her eyes peeled for any trogs that might stumble upon them. Soon enough, they found a large pool of blood and two halves of a troglodyte in it. She then looked towards the door, and she thought that it was strange. The door looked like it belonged in a haunted mansion more so than in the sewers. She asked the others "This is odd. Think Green Eyes was able to go through this door?" How wide was this door anyways? Was it big enough for a large crocodile to go through? She also checked the door for any other signs of what may have crossed the threshold, or if there were any traps. With a closed door like this, she'd rather be careful and not charge in. Charging in may startle Green Eyes, and if not Green Eyes, then it would alert any trogs that were in there.