Cute little kitten!? That... no! She was a demigod! One of the four pillars of Aphei! She wasn't anything like that! Cheeks flushed deeply red, Sylphie squirmed. How could she be blamed for thinking of anything like that when Izel said something so suggestive?! How... how dare she say things like that! How could she say things like that?! Practically burning with embarrassment, Sylphie was very quick to step away the moment she was released, clearing her throat as she did. It was time to focus on what needed to be done. What she desired to do. In spite of her embarrassment at Izel's teasing, that tingling sensation up her spine, the excitement running through her body, throbbing through every inch of her tiny frame, was still present. It had been far, far too long since she last punished the wicked. Those who deserved judgement being brought to them. She raised her right hand. A ring of golden light spread from her palm, then began to drift away. Once again, the hilt of her enormous sword materialized, followed by the thick, razor sharp blade. Lifting it was totally effortless to her. "Now... it's time," Sylphie said, her blush having completely faded(she wanted to leave that embarrassing display behind as quickly as possible), looking back over her shoulder and grinning at the others, "Let's go! With that, she was off. Walking, rather than running, as quickly as she could. Her senses reached out, the sort of senses only a demigod of righteous vengeance possessed, almost tasting, smelling the air to sense wicked hearts and evil intent. These bandits would be crushed, for the sake of the townfolk. For those orphaned children. [@Rune_Alchemist][@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze][@Crimson Paladin][@Lugubrious]