[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gD9rVru.png[/img][/center] [color=AC5FFB]Time:[/color] Morning [color=AC5FFB]Location:[/color]Near River Kingdom [color=AC5FFB]Interactions:[/color][@Jamesyco][@Alivefalling][@Dezuel][@Tae] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1Z62x3Z.png[/img][/center] Risa took the plate gratefully when Kyran brought it out. Her stomach rumbled at the sight of the colorful, sweet berries and delicious bread. The eggs were still warm. Taking the plate in her hands, she began to politely eat it, a stark contrast to Kyran's behavior. She giggled at his exclamation. She had been brought up with particular manners, but always found Kyran's animalistic behavior rather amusing and a nice change. [color=AC5FFB]"I wonder why Jean can't eat. I'd truly like him to enjoy some too."[/color] She said thoughtfully to Kyran. She could guess it might have been some sort of religious thing. Her grandfather had told her that humans had been strange when it came to their worship. Risa wanted to insist he eat somehow without offending him. The poor man had been through so much. It did not feel right to eat without him. She placed her unfinished plate down as Kyran was still eating and moved inside to try to bring Jean's plate out. Risa took this moment to glance over at Dionaea. She was still sleeping. It was best they let her get as much sleep as they need. Her gaze traveled back to the table where a slip of paper she had yet to notice caught her eye. She moved over to the table, the paper becoming more obviously a letter as she moved closer. Risa took it in her hands delicately as she began to read it: [hider=Letter] [i]Dearest Risa, I have always been so very proud of your bravery. It reminded me of your grandmother. You know how great a queen she was. This time you have gone too far and you must know that by now. I wish you would have told us about your plans. You have put you and Dionaea in the greatest danger you could and I fear my heart may break. Hades warned us of what he could. I took a few of our clothes from each closet but I could not take all. We had to move quick and fast and I had to do all the packing. Your father spoke to some fairies and he's working on clearing your names as innocents who got caught up in the mess. We are taking an amora to the Flower Fairy Kingdom where we will continue to work on the politics of it all. I wanted so very much to have Hades lead me to you but he said it would only endanger you. I am so sorry, my sweet. I know your brother's death hurt you so badly and I should have noticed why you act out the way you do. It's too late now and all I can do is support and entrust you know what you are doing. I have left you a pouch of two-hundred amas, some clothes and a thick purple cape with a hood to keep you warm. They are in the sack in the corner. Hades is bringing more clothes for your friends. Please stay safe. There is a small button in the jeweled button that closes your cape. If you hold it down, your location will be told to us and we will send help. Your father and I are so worried and hope you will press it right away and let us take you out of this mess. I know how stubborn you are and how you will continue this fight anyway. With that, I wish you all luck. Get rid of this. Love, Your Mother PS Dionaea's family may be in danger. Hades had no time to go to them. [/i] [/hider] She bit her lip and held the letter in shaking hands. There was no going back now and she had to commit to this. Risa moved over to the sack of clothes in the corner and began to dress herself in a white, off the shoulder dress that went down to her mid-thighs. The sleeves were long bell sleeves. It was a pretty dress but much more conservative than she preferred. She picked up the long cape and pulled it around her. It was a delicate lavender color that almost matched her eyes. She buttoned the blue-jeweled button over her chest. There was a hood that could be pulled over her head if need be. She moved outside to continue her meal but found Kyran was missing. Risa moved closer towards behind the hut to see Kyran pointing his spear at two people. [color=AC5FFB]"Always so friendly."[/color] She muttered as she fluttered her wings to take flight. She hurried herself over. The two were recognizable even from afar. The pretty red-headed human and very particular-looking fairy were an interesting sight. Risa smiled and ran over to throw her arms around Elsea in a hug, [color=AC5FFB]" I'm so happy you're okay! You were so brave to aid us!"[/color]She let go of her, unsure if humans enjoyed affection. Risa gave the moth-like fairy a hug as well, [color=AC5FFB]"Thank you for keeping her safe and coming to find us again. I am very happy you two are alright. Don't mind Kyran, I think he had been too occupied to notice you last night." [/color]