Kassy was becoming increasingly worried about this woman. She kept trying to hurt herself, saying she was in a nightmare, smacking her own face and pinching herself. Luckily, her words eventually got through, and the girl began to breathe. “Ripley Jones. That’s a nice name. I don’t know any Jones clan but I’m sure we can find them once you calm down. Now, as for what happened to your legs… Perhaps you were partying on land, then came back down without remembering it. You haven’t been getting into the human liquor, have you? You know that stuff is too strong for us.” Even so, some mers had a taste for it, even with how harmful it could be. Ah well, to each their own. “Now, Ripley – may I call you Ripley? Would you like to take a swim with me? We can go anywhere you like, but I think it may clear your head and help you remember where you were last night, hm?” Kassy didn’t want to use the term ‘crazy’, but if Ripley didn’t calm down, she was going to take the maid right to the castle doctors for some advanced treatment. She offered her arm, so they could swim together. – Brendan was startled from his warm, sandy doze by the ringing of a phone. Damn. “Five more minutes...” He mumbled while groping around in his pocket. He frowned when he realized his phone wasn’t ringing at all. Then where was the sound coming from? A quick look around found the answer. An old man going through a woman’s purse, and a teal backed cell ringing insistently on the ground. “Ah, Grandfather, stay right there while I answer this.” Hopefully the old geezer would stay put. He had to get that wallet and purse out of his hands. With a sigh, he picked up the phone and hit the green button. “Um. Hello? I’m probably not the person you’re looking for, but I found this phone on the beach. Hold on.” Holding the phone out, he questioned the old man. “Where did you find that purse? It’s very important that you tell me, Grandfather.”