[quote=Kitsune] Q: Do we get our own vehicle? [/quote] Among other things, heaven & hell coins can buy more than just redemption. A little help here and there, spend money to make money, right? [quote=Kitsune] Q: Do we have a home base? [/quote] Both side will have a Garterbelt/Corset expy, however all will be mostly independent and free to associate with whom they wish, the priest and mayor being only there to further the plot by proposing to those who wish it opportunities to make coin or to prevent the destruction of the city, more later. [quote=Kitsune] Q: What are the limits on weapons? [/quote] Size based, if you have a guy taking off a trench coat or his pants, he can have an assault rifle, missile launcher or minigun sized weapon. The main rule here is: Be badass. [quote=Kitsune] Q: Will it just be female or can there be male demons etc? [/quote] Everything allowed and encouraged. [quote=Kitsune] Q: Will there be any story elements placed in by you? Such as huge ghosts etc. [/quote] Oh there is a plot alright, some parts will require you to work together, others to fight eachother. [quote=KillerKitten] I'm going to watch a couple episodes of the anime to get a feel for it [/quote] I merely use the concept of the Anime and I both strongly encourage you to watch it as much as I encourage you to not take what you see in it for all you'll find in here.