Settling herself on the edge of the deck, she dangled her legs over the side, the tips of her boots trailing in the sand. She looked towards him, rolling her eyes, [color=#FFE58F]”I would certainly hope that you’re aware of my situation; you’re the one that got me pregnant!”[/color] Glancing over at the mat, she gave a small shrug, [color=#FFE58F]”Perhaps, but only if you’re cuddling me. Barring that, those herbs sound good…”[/color] Leaning back, she flopped on her back on the wooden deck, closing her eyes. She wished the world would stop spinning so much. It was making it difficult to concentrate. The spells of sickness had been getting more frequent over the last several weeks, but she’d tried to keep it down. A dinner of Dango and noodles followed by plenty of rocking boat apparently wasn’t a winning combination. Her eyes still firmly closed, she sighed through her nose, [color=#FFE58F]”I think some strong tea would help. I think. I guarantee nothing at this point.”[/color] A small smile crossed her lips.