[h2][b]Falul 'Taham - Briefing Room[/b][/h2] [hr] If there was anything in common between Falul and Ronan, it was that they were equally as unfazed by one another. Falul was familiar enough with Humans to recognize their aggression, or defensiveness, in this case. Falul's only direct reaction to either Teyla or Ronan was a quick snarl, though it was not completely clear at whom it was directed, if anyone. He simply continued with what he had to say, regardless of any threats or diplomacy. "You are not the Humans I know, not the ones that have earned their alliance with my people. Yet, I wonder, do you still have anything close to the same traits as them? Do you have the same tenacity and cleverness that allowed them to stave off their extinction at the hands of a superior foe? Would you be worthy of the same alliance? If so, I might extend my...cooperation to you." Falul began, seeming at first to be speaking to the whole of the group. Although, his focus did soon return to McKay. "You spoke as if you understand what has transpired, at least moreso than most. Are you competent as a...scientist? Are you capable of providing a solution to bring us back to our homes?"